Transit SUCKS...DUt WHO CAF@S? 5 sissies switch, opinions rato Wr really cares about opposing solutions to transit anymore? Haven’t we heard enough rhetoric by now? | like to imagine what would happen if a politician promoting some glorious new plan for transit was to visit me at my apartment. Here’s how I imagine the exchange would go: “Hello?” I would say as I opened the door, revealing a politician in a pin stripe suit with neatly parted grey hair. “Hello, my name is Daryl Roberts, your local MLA, and I have a plan that will benefit you!” he would jovially announce. “It’ll take care of all your transit needs for years to come.” “I don’t care what you do; just do something,” I imagine telling him. “Well, we have several great options,” Daryl would reply. “We could try adding more to this area but shortages over in the New Westminster region will happen.” “] just want to get to my job in Vancouver on time. Can’t you find a way to get me there?” “We could build a SkyTrain, but that would be costly and unnecessary.” “Fine, how about better bus service?” “Sorry we’re moving away from that, and the lines we have are already fast enough anyways.” “Can’t you do anything?” “Why yes, we will have solved Transit by 2020 in fact,” he’ll tell me. “We will also have solved unemployment, and everyone will have a kitten! Don’t you love kittens?” Does it really matter what these people say? After all, how tough could it be to build a few more lines or just add enough buses? J mean isn’t our economy red hot right now? Don’t we have the money? We could truly solve this issue in a meaningful way; we have the resources to, at least. Douglas kicks SFU’s ass. ....,-:.. The computer labs are a godsend to most students. I’ve found since I left that such resources aren’t available at SFU. Douglas has two floors of computer labs and generally you can find an unoccupied computer. SFU is great if you have a laptop. If you don’t, don’t bother to show up before 8 a.m.. That’s when the library opens. The computer labs themselves don’t open until 8:30. Douglas, on the other hand, is smaller and still manages to open its two floors of computer labs at 6:30. When I was here, I considered the bookstore, locker, and student card lineups epic. Now I know better. To get my student card and U-Pass, I had to wait three hours one day and I didn’t even get it! I had to wait another couple of hours the next day to finally get the thing. How long do you think for a simple thing like a locker? At Douglas you’re looking at 30 minutes to an hour roughly. At SFU, it’s two to three times longer and you don’t really get a Wire I was at Douglas, I hardly ever stopped complaining. There was always something wrong. Maybe I’m just a natural born complainer, but right now Douglas is looking like heaven compared to SFU. I had forever been singing SFU’s praises. However, I’m past the point of having second thoughts about that whole thing; Douglas wins hands down. Douglas has staff and faculty that care. IN Douglas College VS SFU During my two years here, I’ve never had to wait more than 24 hours for a response to an email. My profs at SFU? Try three days! As for the staff, you couldn’t find better if you tried. The building service workers (BSWs), security, janitorial staff, and all those people that work here and make your life less hectic are some of the most passionate and caring people I’ve ever met. I can’t count the times that I locked myself out of the office and had to have security let me in so that I could go home. That happened three times in one day. Did I mention that they’re patient? choice as to where your locker is. As a history student I have to do copious amounts of printing. At SFU this costs me nine cents per page. This is difficult to digest after Douglas’s luxurious 300 free pages. I wish that I could go back and properly relish that benefit of being a Douglas student. Trust me, when you leave, you'll be wishing every day that you were back. I know I am. THE OTHER PRESS IS HIRING! > ASSIST IN WRITING NEWS STORIES > RESEARCH ORIGINAL STORIES GREAT ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR NP WELL PAID! Contact Liam Britten at ILLUSTRATOR > ORIGINAL STYLE WANTED >» MUST BE GOOD WITH DEADLINES RIENCE!