October 14th to 28th 1982 The Other Press page 15 United Nations TN CVs October 21 through 31 Tues.,Oct 19 Tues.,Oct. 26 ‘ S.F.U. Images Theatre. Were eee ere eee 12:30p.m. -CANADA AND THE ARMS RACE: Lecture. Thurs.,Oct. 21 S.F.U. AQ3003. Biase, 3:30. p.m. . NUCLEAR COUNTDOWN: a film. S.F.U. 12:30 p.m. . THE ALTERNATIVES: Panel discussion on AQ3005 turning ares = plough shares’. Langara 7:00 p.m. -‘ALTERNATIVES TO MADNESS: with speaker. College, Room A236. ; 8:30 p.m. Film - Eight Minutes to Midnight. Robson Square Fri.,Oct. 22 Wed.,Oct. 27 8:30 p.m. - CONCERT FOR PEACE: PAUL HORN AND -WOMEN AND THE ARMS RACE: with speaker. DAVID SEDERA. St. Andrew's Wesley Church, S.F.U. TC313. Burrard & Nelson. Tickets $9.50 at the Bay, 12:30 p.m. -THE SUPER POWERS: Who is responsible for $10.00 at the door. ~ te f the arms race? Panel discussion. S.F.U. TC313. 11:30 p.m. -DISARMAMENT & DEVELOPMENT: THE 3:30 p.m. - WAR WITHOUT WINNERS: A film. S.F.U. HUMAN COST OF THE ARMS RACE. A Images Theatre. conference for students and teachers, with 7:00 p.m. -ALTERNATIVES TO MADNESS: With speakers. speakers. U.B.C. School of Theology & Films - if you love this planet, in the minds of men. -International House. 733-3912. ment. Robson Square Theatre. j 8:00 p.m. -THE BEVERLY SISTERS and others, Literary Sat.,Oct. 23 Storefront,312 W. Cordova, $3.00 at the door. Refreshments. 7:30 p.m. -PROCLAMATION OF U.N. DISARMAMENT WEEK by Vancouver City Hall. Robson Square Thurs.,Oct. 28 Media Centre Theatre. 733-3912. 12:30 p.m. - NINO PASTI: ITALIAN SENATOR. U.B.C.* 9:00 p.m. - ‘THE GEMSTONE FILES’: JIM, CIA. An ‘ "location TBA. 228-4276. Alternative historical docu-drama. $2.00 at the 12:30 p.m. -THE LOCAL SCENE - reps trom local peace door. Unit /Pitt Gallery, 163 W. Pender, groups will discuss local disarmament activities. 681-6740. Langara College, Room A236. Sun.,Oct. 24 12:30 p.m. - HOW TO ORGANISE FOR PEACE - Speakers followed by film - Eight Minutes to Midnight.’ 7:30 p.m. - INTER-CHURCH PEACE VIGIL: Speakers and S.F.U. AQ 3004. music by Patrick Wedd. Christ Church Cathedral. 7:00 p.m. - ALTERNATIVES TO MADNESS - Films - South 733-0141. Africa: The Nucledar File, No Act of God, and Small is Beautiful. Robson Square Cinema. Mon.,Oct. 25 7:30 p.m. - DR. LINUS PAULING, author of No More War, winner of two Nobel Prizes for Chemistry and TULARE weuieciion NT Peace. Orpheum Theatre, 736-2366. _ FESTIVAL. Speakers each evening, FREE. os Sea. a mene tas ae Saree Robson Square Cinema. Thru to Friday, October erformance by Tom Hajdu. $3.00 at the door. 29. 731-8664. Unit/ Pitt Gallery, 163 W. Pender. MULTI-MEDIA DISPLAY ON CRUISE ; MISSILE: Daily display with Bomb shelter vigil, Fri.,Oct. 29 eee ets “CHURCHES & THE ARMS RACE - speaker - REARMAMENT & DISARMAMENT - Lecture, ss ie Scape tah followed by film HIROSHIMA/NAGASAKI 12:30 p.m. - THE PLUTONIUM CONNECTION: CIVIL & Simon Fraser University, AQ3005, 291-3354. MILITARY USES of NUCLEAR POWER: Lecture. - IF YOU LOVE THIS PLANET: N.F.B. film on S.F.U. AQ3005. f Disarmament. Capilano College, College Lounge. 7:00 p.m. - ALTERNATIVES TO MADNESS: Speaker. TBA - ALTERNATIVES TO MADNESS: Speaker - 8:30 p.m. Film - Day of Trinity. Robson Square Cinema. Pauline Jewett. Film - Meet John Doe. Robson Sun.,Oct 31 Square Cinema. ‘ON: Ni - IF YOU LOVE THIS PLANET: Followed by a 8:30p.m. - SPOOKY MOVIES for HALLOWE'EN: Nine ; . Film Makers. $3.00 at the door, DISARMAMENT FORUM with _ speakers. new films by Van. Film ‘ | Capilano College, College Lounge. _- Refreshments. Unit Pitt Gallery, 163 W. Pender.