4 he Mad Hatte A Douglas College atter $B | October 20, 1987 WINE TASTING WITH PAUL WARWICK "Everyone has a lot of fun at the courses this fall is the Shopping ~ vers lore cag ie Beaujolais Nouveau tasting," says Spree and Tour of the 39th and i lt Warwick. "The specially aged, fer- Cambie liquor store on Monday, A resident of Port Coquitlam, mented and bottled wine is December 7. Warwick is well known as a wine released to the world on the 19th Warwick says, "this is a fun consultant and educator as well of November. It will be air-ex- night guided by the staff of the as a celebrity chef. pressed to us so we can taste it on store. There is a tasting in the He is also the author of The the 23rd. private tasting room to try the Spirit of Cooking, a book on cook- As well, he says they will taste new wines. With about twenty ing with wine, beer and spirits. the best of the 1985 Beaujolais different wines to test, par- The many one-night wine tast- from the north of the region. ticipants can buy wine they like.” ing courses he is leading at In the two-evening Italian Wine Douglas College this fall offer a Tasting and Appreciation course, WINE TASTING THIS mouth-watering world tour of Mondays, November 9 and 16, SPRING the best wines, beginning with Paul Warwick will prepare ¥ . Australian Wine Tasting on Oc- regional dishes including pasta, th 2 eons bes aoe aac tober 26. Bnupee, and cheeses of Italy. ing with wines under six dollars a "One of the most overlooked "Italy is the largest producer of bottle," Warwick says. "There are countries in the world wine market today is Australia," he says. "Tasting these wines is a wine in the world," Warwick says. "With 2300 different grapes and the possibilities of blending really good wines available at a good price, but they are the lesser- known names. And they come must for those seeking a new there are thousands and from all over the world: wine." thousands of different wines. Australia, Canada, Italy, Spain. Warwick says that while many Each has it’s own taste that goes The course will give people a people have a picture of Australia with the regional food. chance to try wines they didn’t as one dry and desolate Outback, Capping off the wine tasting realize were so : in his course he shows a video continued on page 2 travelogue that illustrates the : variety of the country. Varied too, [ : is the pelos of wines from IN THE HAT i Australia: twelve to fifteen dif- BC. Forum - Post Secondary Group Advising Sessions : oo ne Education Audio-Visual Acquisitions ' In his Great Red Cabernet Chal- RESEARCH PROJECT Event Contest : lenge, Monday, November 2, the ABEABC Sponsors Walk for CPR COURSE : grape that "probably produces Literacy 4 E the best red wines in the world" is Compal tokio cee ore Wee / ut to the test. Which Cabernet is Stall Research Focus : t: the French, Californian, or Phyllis Mailing to Perform at Australian? Warwick says that Douglas College [ participants of the class will i Ee choose after a blind taste test. Upcoming Events : Food will also be served includ- Phyllis Mailing Ad ing Warwick's own beer-bread and paté.