DOUG! MAD HALTER PAGE 9 hi WIL ARC} HVE If a person does manage the journey from the protected school to the college setting, he/ she has learned to cope with the world's reality. But what of those students who didn't pass the test, and simply were not strong enough. For most, it will result in their inability to ever live an independent life. For in their first real attempt to integrate them- selves into society, they met with a crush- ing failure. Such individuals will think twice before ever attempting such an inte- gration again. I believe that the answer lies in a more total integration of the school system. individuais, disabled or able bodied, All I have now received the notes on that work- shop prepared by BCAC, and have forwarded copies to all members of Management Committee, as well as to Board Members. Anyone wishing to work through these notes may borrow a copy from a member of Manage- ment Committee. Any questions you have after reading the document should be directed to those who attended the workshop: myself, the Bursar, Deans, or Comptroller. The document is entitled "B.C. Association of Colleges, New Funding Mechanisms for Colleges & Institutes: Notes on Workshop Held October 1, 1983." Bill Day deserve an equal education, irregardless as to whether or not one has the full use of his body. While it is true that those individuals with the more severe handicaps must be taught in a segregated classroom, there are many more like myself who could compete on an academic' level with the able bodied if given the opportunity. Those of us who can survive outside the institution should be allowed to do so. the disabled are rarely taught the life skills which would enable them to do so. Society, as a whole, has placed limitations on what it believes the disabled are capable of. But Wayne Stevens Student, CSSW Program | | FORMULA FINANCING Last month the senior management group attended, with one of our Board Members, a workshop sponsored by the B.C. Council of i'College & Institute Principals, on Formula Financing. Also in attendance were Ministry of Education officials and BCAC represent- atives. REP NEEDED FOR EPPCO (Faculty-At-Large) I would like to remind faculty that I am your 'at-large' representative on the Educational Policy and Planning Committee. Please note that the EPPCO agendas and minutes are posted on the bulletin board on the wall between the library and the security desk on the concourse level. If you have any questions or feedback on the minutes or agenda items, I would be happy to discuss them with you. One upcoming item of interest to faculty in- cludes policy recommendations on self-funded courses. Contact me by leaving a message at local 4200. Thanks a lot, Mae Burrows CAMPUS AD REGULATIONS i. All postings are to be restricted to Specified areas and bulletin boards. Posters and notices placed on doors, (—