RECOMMENDATION _NUMBER ] ARCHIVES ,;. DOUGLAS COLLEGE SUMMARY INTENT Upgrading Senior Admin- istration - Professiona Development Performance Evaluation Senior Management Creation of Mid-Manage- ment Operations Group Integration of Mid- Management Operations Group Establishment of Interlocking Meeting Schedule to Improve Speed of Decision- Making Continue Formalizing and Codifying Policies, Procedures and Regulations DOUGLAS COLLEGE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE DECISION FOLLOW- THROUGH QUARTERLY REPORT - SEPTEMBER, 1985. COMMITHENT/INSTRUCTION Annual Review and delineation of P.D. Activities Formal performance evaluation will be implemented during the 1985/86 academic year. Such a structure will be created as soon as its role, structural relationship, and authorities are established clearly enough to identify the means by which decisions can be speeded up and increased in quality, as argued in the analysis. Staff work is now in progress and a report will be made to the Management Committee in January - the intent being to implement immediately. See #3 Above The intent is accepted. Responsibility for maintenance of updated handbooks will be fixed effective Jan. 1/85. Summary Handbooks will be developed and distributed from time to time.- IMPLEMENTED IN PROCESS/ UNDER REVIEW NOT IMPLEMENTED TO DATE