SS +; Appeal Process- BAU Rankings As a result of analysis and criticism by the Educational Policy & Planning Committee re- garding the process of appeal against Bud- get Activity Unit (BAU) rankinas, I recom- mended the following process to the Manage- ment Committee at its meeting of March 22: Appeals against BAU Rankings shall be via Departmental Chairmen or Directors to a committee comprised of the Divi- sional Deans and the Bursar, the Chairman of this committee to be sel- ected prior to the hearing by the President. The Appeal Committee is to provide a report and recommendation to the College President within 7 days of the hearing. The College President will then make a final ruling. Management Committee accepted my recommenda- tion. Bill Day Academic Council To Visit Campus The Academic Council of B.C. will be visit- ing the College on Wednesday and Thursday, May 1] and 12. The following schedule has been suggested: WED: 0930 - 1100 hours - Council/Principal and Senior Admin. Meeting 1100 - 1200 hours - Regular Council Meeting 1200 - 1300 hours - Luncheon (Council hosted) on campus with represent- atives of Board, Admin., Faculty and Students. 1300 - 1430 hours - Tour 1430 - 1630 hours - Regular Council Meeting THUR: 0900 - 1200 hours - Regular Council Meeting Mad Hatter Page 2 Director Required Kwantlen College requires a Director for its Newton Vocational Centre. An experienced Administrator is needed to manage the Career/Vocational Programs at our Newton Centre, located in Surrey. Reporting to the Campus Principal, the Director will be responsible for the opera- | tion of the campus, including budget prep- aration and expenditures, liaison with agencies and advisory groups and recruit- ‘| ment of faculty. The successful candidate will have an ap- propriate combination of education and ex- | perience to manage an extensive range of career/vocational programs. Management | experience is essential and recent exper- jence in a community college is desirable. | | Resumes should be forwarded quoting competi- tion number 83-014, by the closing date of April 22, 1983 to: Director of Personnel & Labour Relations Kwantlen College, P.O. Box 9030 Surrey, B.C. V3T 5H8 Notice To All Staff FROM: M. H. MORFEY, Bursar I am pleased to announce the appointment | of MR. BOB CORBETT as the College's | Personnel Officer, effective April 13, | 1983. | Mr. Corbett comes to us from the Personnel Department at B.C. Hydro, and was previously Personnel Manager for Canadian Linen. We are confident that Bob's experience in the human resources field will benefit the operation of the Personnel Department and the entire College.