EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES - CONTINUED FAIRVIEW COLLEGE REQUIRES AN EXECUTIVE SECRETARY TO THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD This is a senior position reporting to the President. The person in this position must set an example through such personal abilities and qualities in competance, personality, deportment and initiative. The position requires the ability to work with Limited dir- ection and supervision, to plan ahead, to anticipate needs and requirements, to work irregular hours in pressure situations and complete conficentiality. Experience and maturity together with a professional attitude are required for the position. QUALIFICATIONS: Exceptional typing and proofreading abilities, the ability to take minutes at Board and other meet- ings, and excellent knowledge of the English Language, skills in handling correspondence, in record keeping, making appointments, meeting people, responding to enquiries and arranging and organizing meetings. SALARY: Negotiable. Excellent benefits package includes a relocation allowance. PLEASE SUBMIT RESUME WITH NAMES OF REFERENCES TO: Dr. Fred Sceckeen, MAD HATTER PAGE 4 OKANAGAN COLLEGE HAS THE FOLLOWING. POSITION VACANCIES: Starting August lst or as soon as possible BIOLOGY INSTRUCTOR: ‘Temporary position, possinly cermanent. DUTIES: to teach lst and 2nd year University Transfer courses in Introductory Biology, Human Anantomy, Physiology, Call Biolosy, Genetics, Evolution and Ecology. CLOSING DATE: July 30, 1981 SOCIOLCGY INSTRUCTOR: Pemmanent DUTIES: to teach lst and 2nd year University Transfer courses in Intro- ductory Sociology, Canadian Society, Sex Roles, Race and Etnnicity. CLOSING DATE: July 27, 1961 Preferred qualifications are: L. Minimum Masters cegree in Instruct- ional Area or equivalent. 2. Post Secondary teaching or ‘Agr Experience 3. Commitment to teachin Salary 1981/1982 scale $20,673 - $36 , 891 per annum. Applications and 3 letters of reference should be for- warded to: THE DEAN, DIVISICN OF ACADEMIC AND SPPLIED STUDIES, OKANAGAN lied President, Fairview College, Box 3000 COLLECE, 1000 KLO ROAD, KELOWNA, 8.C Fairview, Alberta TOH 110 Vl¥ 4x8 (604) 762-5445 Management Committee Meeting Educational Information Centre . lt was agreed at Management Commictee that a letter will be sent to rhe Educational Information Cantre on Howe Street indicating that Douglas College will join her sister institutions for the 1982/83 Fiscal Year. As you are aware, the Centre serves as a source of information boch for studants, and for their member institutions. Evidence nas shown that a large number of peoole From our college region drop into the Centre for infermatian an Douglas. We look forward to working with them and our colleages in the coming months. : New Westminster Parmanent Camous Furnishings 3 Equioment Sub-Committee aie ¢ mos 3 cuart Graham, sgeaking on dehal* of himself and Mr. Sancy Tomosca iy their dual roles as College 30ard and Permanent Campus Steering Commi ttee members, exoressed apgreciation and offered the commendation of the Board to the Furnishings % Equipmenc Sub-Committees for the tremendous job baing done in deyelooment of che capital budget For the new buildina.