iene a ACROSS ae d of L. Bepuke 2 Famil : ee 4 No piece of cake 3 sh ee 8 Dos 1 2 3 5 6 Ye 8 102 7114)--112 13s ig’ r ; ee ___ pig’s eye! 5 “Take M ” 14 Sunblock ingredients 6 ee ea “ = te Maaabicuelt uk Gant of baseball ; “Groundhog Day” 7 Made up one’s mind 7 19 17 Camera type ; nurs ies 18 Dracula: 1943 H use aah setts 20 Bear Hall-of-Famer 10. Seaptiy at 5 hehe eee: a as eb member 23, “A Chapter on Ears” ees epeayest tHe’ 4 19 Suffix for prop 24 “Outstanding! 21 Marshmallow 25 Like Swiss army holder rie 26 Culmination el ing 27 Scout units 30 Zoological foot 29 Downgrade 31 Picture puzzle 32 Dracula: 1931 35 Had ants in the pants 33 Module 38 City WNW of 34 Glut Bologna i Watch ch 39 Dell, to Intel - Cie eg 40 Blend Re Eawis or 41 Modernist a7..* apy” 42 Ignited 38 Singer 43 Audience cries McDaniel 45 Spouse 41 Hawaiian 47 French assembly goose 48 Rock’s___ Jovi 44 1994 Tom . ag ne tgea Cruise role eserv 45 Where the 53 Towboat action is 55 At the summit 46 Roth in “Blue 58 Burro Skies” NOTICE TO ALL STUDENTS | ze oe 62 Lee of Dracula fame 51 Hamelin pest 65 ae leaf 52 Kind of code REG A RI )) | N( = 66 In ’50s style, e.g. 54 Russian labor 67 Slipknot camp ELECTIONS TO THE COLLEGE Beare erm 69 Picasso’s prop 56 “Take BOARD AND EDUCATION COUNCIL ee eee ; : : ) ae 57 Kitchen scraps elly's “___ Pogo 60 Iron and bauxite 61. Burrito’s cousin 63 Sun 64 Weeding tool ending August 31, 1999. Elections to the College Board and Education Council will be taking place at the end of March. This notice is to advise all students regarding the Nomination Pro- cess. There are 2 positions for the College Board and 4 positions for the Education Council. The term of office is ONE year commencing September 1, 1998 and Nominations for all positions must be RECEIVED by the Registrar at the New Westminster campus no later than 4:00 pm February 27, 1998. Nomination forms are available at the Registrar’s Office and at the Student Society Office at all cam- =. the ~~ Bier Presse= INSIDI Susa j returns bage 10 Ana leaves « 1 Ana leaves ° 14 puses. students and ONE seat for male students. Elections are being conducted for the College Board to fill ONE seat for female Elections are being conducted for Education Council to fill ONE seat for student attending at the Thomas Haney Centre, ONE seat for students attending at the David Lam Campus, and TWO seats for students attending at New Westminster. For more information please contact the Registrar, Trish Angus, at 527-5358. ‘ The Other Press is Hiring! “The Other Press is now accepting resumes for th position of bookkeeper,” says Other Publications Board Chair Monique Tamminga. The position, which will occupy 15 hours a week of the lucky candidate’s time, is open to all Douglas students. “We are looking for someone with experience in payroll remittances, receivables and payables, audits and internal controls. Applicants must be bondable and reliable and have excellent communication skills. “You can submit your resumes to the Other Publications Board in room 1020,” says Tamminga. Can you fill ie E TCC 6 February 18, 1998 The Other Press