On-Campus Se tJ at: 525-3542 eh oa 20 Words - $1.00 Extra Words $.10 each 525-3542 Guitar Lessons 50% off your first month’s lessons. Extra specials for Doug- las College Students - 75% off first months lessons. Call Ross 525-5024 Attention Skiers! For Sale: One adult full day lift pass for Hemlock. Reg: $19.00, asking: $10.00 Contact Kirstin 253-6440 WANTED 55 overweight people to try herbal nutrition weightloss products. Results Guaranteed. America’s No. 1 weight control. Recommended by doctors. Call 524-4937 No Classes - No Exercise Lose Cellulite & inches. CHEAP "72 Pinto, 4 cyl., 4 speed. Com- plete with snow tires. Runs: Good. Looks: Well..... $300 Snow Tires: 15 inch, bias ply. $30. Vic: 942-4143 JOBS AVAILABLE: Bingo Hall Floor People (P-628) 4 to 6 postitions. Part Time: Wednesday Even- ings, various 4 hour shifts. Approx: $3.75 an hour. Qualifications: Must be trus- tworthy and willing to work in a very smokey environment. Duties: Selling game cards and paying out prizes. Location: New Westminster The Other Pisess Laser Typesetting 24 typefaces - disk/modem service laser quality image Receptionist/Typist for an. elec- trical company (F-629) Full time: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (1 hour lunch) $1000.00 a month Qualifications: Must be able to type 50 wpm. Duties: Working in a two girl office, for four salesman. Location: North Burnaby Student with truck needed a woman living in Vancouver move (P-630) One time only $10.00 an hour. Qualification: truck. Duties: Help with move. Location: Vancouver Must have a Receptionist for a Law Firm (F- 632) Full time: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (For | year. There is a very good possibility that. this position will turn into a regular full-time position after one year. At that point the employer will train to be a legal secretary.) Qualifications: Must speak Chinese and have good typing skills. Duties: — Answer dicta typing. Location: Vancouver phones and essays reports term papers Nov. 27, 1986. Page 15 manuscripts business cards - custom layout - artwork “Nothing to big or small” Typist for a carpet cleaning firm (P-622) Part Time: Flexible hours, a few hours a week, especially at month end. $5.50 an hour. Qualififications: The » employer would prefer someone who lives in the south Surrey area. Must type 50 w.p.m. No expe- rience necessary. Typing invoices, — correspond- ence, price lists, customer ros- ter, etc. for a small business. Opportunity to learn about book- keeping in a small business en- vironment as well. Location: White Rock Junior Programmer for a Com- puter Distribution firm (G.F- 624) Full Time (Could work part time until end of semester) for 3-4 months. Negotiable Salary Qualifications: Must be familiar with Pascal (Microsoft or Turbo an asset). Duties: Pascal Programming Location: North Burnaby Dance Instructor for Parks and Recreation Office (P-623) Part Time e Approx $8.00 an hour Qualifications: A dance back- ground and an interest in chil- dren. Duties: children Location: Port Moody Teach dance to young Sales/Marketing position with a Publishing/Newspaper company (G-626) Full Time: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. $225.00 a week, plus commis- sion, bonuses and a company benefit package. Qualification: Must be; a Doug- las College Marketing ‘Manage- ment Program graduate. Duties: Sell advertising/ promotions for a large firm that has 18 centres across Canada. Location: Coquitlam For a referral contact The Stu- dent Placement Office. Room 2710. Part-time waitress wanted. Apply to: Anna’s Cakes House Cafe Ph: 520-6830 *