J | McGrews features Gourmet Grewbers, fresh pasta, | Grewmongous Sandwiches, crisp salads, hand cut | steaks, and while it lasts, the best prime rib in town! \ | ‘ raapterry snuce for dipping i | ChabnK shiggeat Hits in fen | Naclens Srp murat. ne Wires tole Lange 3,95 ae Senllops x'Pracom terse n't ent jut oe. nit gis gee | | Siupica Mita’ Bins 0 Lol. vie ie aie 3.25 | aa i We! Couat- 9. Crer teow. to Sea Pilly? 3.75 Optos PT fo eem Synalar | Ziechint wits rola, oy cause 2.95 Mbvewis Chicken Avans takes. iv ou BEG Sauce Calowmoni siopphy Spuidly 3.75 Chickew Digits Uhumts uptrtioone! Get away to Dangerous Dan’s Iatest hide-out, where the only rule is FUN! oOpm: $1.00 off any food purchase between S5pm— 10pm Fully Licenced Open 11:30-12:00 pm Daily I 11:30 - 10:00 pm Sunday 555-6th Street Upstairs L ott. the. Westminster Mei. i ss WESTMINSTER MALL _ 2ND FLOOR, 555 6TH STREET, NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. V3L SH1 - TELEPHONE: 522-0554 3.95 4.25 3.95 4.25 2.95 4.25 a sare a pgonh a ay wil os