INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / SEPTEMBER 4, 1990 Bookstore hours Tuesday to Thursday, Sept. 4,5, 6 see ee Sm oe 9:30-7:30 Friday, Sept 7 = 4 3 5 os 9:30-4:00 Saturday, Sept.8...... 9:30-2:30 Monday to Thursday, Sept. 10 to 13 Ne arg ey mele, aig 9:30-7:30 Friday, Sept.14 ...... 9:30-4:00 Saturday, Sept.15 ..... 9:30-2:30 Monday, Sept. 17: resume regular hours: Mon. to Fri. . . . .9:30-4:00 To avoid the line-ups and delays during the first two weeks of September, all administrators, faculty and staff should sign out merchandise prior to August 31. If you decide to tackle the line-ups, all items will be signed out at the back of the store. Thank you, Linda Valecourt, Bookstore Manager Library Hours Sept. 4 — Regular Fail Semester hours begin: Monday to Thursday . .0745-2200 Prigay ss hs see ws 0745-1630 Saturday ........% 0900-1700 Sunday ....... Library Closed Reserve Books for the Library A Reminder to Instructors: If you need any books put on RESERVE for the Fall Semester, please come in to the Library by . The Library cannot guarantee the immediate process- ing of materials received after that date. If you have any questions, please call Shari Hazelwood at local 5197. @