~ SEXUAL ASSAULT MEETING Thursday, November 12 1987 12:00 - 2:00 p.m Room: 1717 During the Spring 1987 semester a number of meetings were held to enable women to talk about the issue of personal safety on campus. As a result of those meetings a set of recommendations with respect to sexual assault and personal safety were compiled. Over the summer the recommendations were tabled with College Management Committee and the College Health and Safety Committee. The next Sexual Assault/Personal Safety meeting on Thursday, November 12, 1987 will provide an opportunity for interested women on campus to receive updated information with respect to action that has been taken on the recommendations and to discuss further follow-up action. PLEASE JOIN US! For further information contact the Women's Centre at Local 2722 or 520-5486. JUINT) SNSWOM HL . 10 douglas college : na. ae eae 700 Royal Avenue, New West, B.C. «P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 « 520-5400