Mad Hatter Page 2 What's Happening To The Concourse? No one who crosses our concourse or walks the connecting walkways between north to south can help but either admire the grand expanse or become somewhat disturbed when viewing the garbage strewn plaza. It is oft times said we are products of our environment but it seems too that our en- vironment is a product of its inhabitants. Certainly not all of us are so totally with- out regard for our surroundings that we are content to see the "post PNE scene" por- trayed on what is otherwise capable of be- ing the crowning jewel of the campus ... a pleasing crossroads ... a happy gathering place ... a bright even sometimes sunny place to contemplate our good fortune at having so fine a facility. It is recognized more disposal units would be useful, Meanwhile an appeal is made to all to as- sist a struggling staff of two to maintain the entire building. Garbage can just as easily as not be placed IN the proper re- ceptacles provided throughout the building. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE GARBAGE LYING ABOUT: PLEASE PITCH IN AND PITCH YOUR GARBAGE IN: They will eventually be provided J Fall Graduation Rescheduled The fall graduation ceremony will be held on Thursday, October #721983, NOT November 4, as stated in the College Calendar. LOCATION: New Westminster Campus TIME: 2000 hours EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO ATTEND THE CEREMONY: Appointment Douglas College is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Drew Young as Technical Director of Theatre for the Fall Semester. Free Computer Course The College Professional Development Com- mittee was very pleased with the faculty interest in the computer course we spon- sored last spring. The committee has re- cently learned of a computer program of- fered by Radio Shack, and wishes to bring this to the attention of any interested faculty. Radio Shack offers a 12 hour course, given in the evenings, which covers the first level of Basic Programming. While they give the course primarily for their employ- ees and custormers, all educators, includ- ing college faculty, can take the course free of charge when space is available. Courses are given in their Computer Centre in the Cariboo Mall at 435 North Road. Call Mary Jacob or Doug Brady at 951-7533 to register on a waiting list for one of these courses. Alan McMillan, Chairman — Professional Development Committee f Can You Help? Our daughter, Tina, is 19 years old and suffered a head injury in a car accident We DESPERATELY need volunteers to help do patterning exercises to help her recover. Each session requires 5 people and takes approximately 24 hours. We have received many willing volunteers for the evening session, but we are still in DIRE NEED of people to help out at Tina's 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. sessions. If you, or anyone you know, can help us at Se eny