MAD HATTER PAGE 2 In the process of budget development and priority assignment, Departmental, Divi- sional and College-wide governance comr- mittees will be informed of the Division- ai and College-wide intentions, and crit- icism and comment requested. Criticisms and comments will be reviewed prior to final submission. Recommenda- tions made by myself to the College Board will be accompanied with criticisms and comments which have been made by gov- ermance committees. Clearly, the four weeks that we have for development of this budget is not ade- quate for proper consultative process. With good reason, it could be viewed as subversive of such process. Our intent is next year to tie these processes into our annual 5 Year Plan review, and com mence them in January, thus allowing plenty of time for orderly consultation. The Deans join with me in the hope that the system of budget preparation will hold still long enough for us to do it twice.! TO: DEANS, DIRECTORS, CHAIRMEN FROM: AL ATKINSON RE: COUNSELLING CENTRE - WINSLOW From May 31 to June 29, 1982 there will be no Counselling reception coverage at the Winslow Site. Counselling appointments can be booked through the switchboard at Winslow. All other services provided by the Counselling receptionist should be re- ferred to the Counselling Centre at Mc- Bride, or to Al Atkinson or Min Aleong. IT'S TRUE Written next to the Murphy's Law poster at Winslow Site: "Murphey must have lived at Douglas College".