Vancouver Community College, Regional Offices, 2nd Floor, 675 West Hastings, Vancouver, B.C.V6B 1N2 Telephone (604) 688-1111 cf DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY Py eeeR iy Fe Eure wet Wwvicko LIFE SKILLS TRAINING FOR INSTRUCTIONAL AND COUNSELLING STAFF EDUCATION, CORRECTIONS, HUMAN RESOURCES, COMMUNITY AND CHURCH WORKERS * A succession of eight day group skills experiences in such areas as: communications > helpful and harmful group behaviors - giving and receiving feedback - problem solving behavioral counselling - relaxation - use of VIR for feedback Mid April - Mid May .Course Fee: $115.00 * A six week Life Skills Coach Training Program covering the techniques, content, theory, process and knowledge needed to conduct a Life Skills course. Course runs from June 16th to July 25th Fee: $250.00 For further information and registration, contact: J.E. (Ted) Anderson, Coordinator, Human Resources Programs Vancouver Community College, Regional Offices. F % ยข