Naan eae e ee ere Te DOUGLAS COLLECE LIBRARY ' “Ech seo Pires bo SEVENTH ANNUAL NATIONAL SEMINAR FOR MASTER TEACHERS 2. ' Application Colleges are invited to send one or more participants, (Last year, 102 people, representing 80 colleges, came from 25 states, including Alaska, ) Though the Seminar is basically for teachers, deans of instruction, counselors and university professors working in the community college field are cordially invited too, Participants in past years have testified that the Seminar is the ''one place" where they have been able to find a national perspective on their common teaching problems, Applications will be processed as they are received, A non-refundable fee of $50 is due with the application; and this will, of course, be credited toward the total tuition, (If you find at a later date that the original applicant cannot attend, we urge you to select another person to take his place; and the application fee will simply be re-credited, ) Costs A tuition of $240 covers all expenses of board, room, instruction and all ameni- ties, (The Seminar is not supported by any outside funds, and is ona strictly pay-as-you-go basis,) The $50 application fee is, of course, a part of the total tuition, Each Seminar member will have a room to himself ina modern dormitory, There are also facilities for wives/husbands/families, For further information about dependents, check the box on the application blank attached, and we will send you a fact sheet describing accommodations and rates, For further information, write or telephone: Roger H. Garrison, Director, Special Programs, Westbrook College, Portland, Maine 04103 - Telephone: (207) 797-7261 Attachment (Application)