Inspirational story: My Have an idea for a story? M commute is still terrible > My authentic Surrey experience with TransLink’s new budget Greg Waldock Staff Writer e’ve all heard the rumours of TransLink’s new budgets, buses, and schedules. I'll admit it: I was afraid. What would happen to the grungy old bus seats from the 1980s? How could I sleep at night knowing my train would not suddenly stop 37 times just outside of Scott Road station for endless maintenance? I didn't know what to expect. TransLink is entering a brave new world, and we're just coming along for the overcrowded ride. But I have good news, dear reader: My bus was ten minutes late this morning. So was the bus after that. Three active buses and one Not in Service suddenly appeared like a comforting cup of morning coffee. Everything was the same as before, and it was all I ever wanted. The homeless man blocking the exit with a bag of smelly recycling, the two crying babies at the front, the jackass blaring loud music without headphones... mornings on the Surrey buses are still as magical as ever. I'd heard the trains were going to run more often from King George Station, and that old trains would be replaced with new ones. This was terrifying to me. I'd never feel comfortable going over the Fraser River unless I could also step over a river of either old soda or old pee—hard to tell sometimes—on my way to my seat. The sleek new trains just don’t have Social epidemic solved (¥ 40 per cent of research is done out of spite (Y¥ Comics! And more! _ ae x Z ae a = ~ et | : eau RATE ; i J “wi = » a = a Cy -s oS oe -* a a u Cc => G S ihn, & fe a oe Ae > eu = eae 2 feta eee Cag 2 i, coMy = | 2 ea Sanh feel eae a that “we promise Surrey Central isn’t still Whalley” charm. Well, this is the second bit of good news: It’s just as gross as ever. That morning, I discovered the new SkyTrains already have comforting piles of old newspapers underneath the corner seats, maintenance at Scott Road every single night is set to continue for the next year, and people are still blocking the doors with huge bikes! What a relief. Arriving at New Westminster station, I carefully avoided the yelling people and Red Cross petitioners. This station held my greatest fear regarding the change; that the huge buses going vertical up the big hill would suddenly be safer, slower, and actually have functional breaks. I’m glad I was wrong, yet again. All the most dangerous buses were replaced with new double-deckers! When they hit the sharp corner down, they majestically tipped and rolled; all while the pedestrian light was on, of course. This was an emotional day for me, my friends. I was scared that my commute to school would suddenly be punctual and clean, that I could reliably make it home at night without wondering if the trains stopped early for cleaning. I even got myself thinking that the 502 from Surrey Central might actually show up at the station on time. Thank God I was wrong. TransLink is back and better than ever. > Reindeer sugar cookie recipe Mercedes Deutscher Social Media Coordinator - Try to give yourself some festive cheer while the cookies bake. Pour eggnog and rum into your everyday mugs. They're Christmas mugs, Ingredients: One package of Pillsbury Shaped Reindeer Sugar Cookies Eggnog Une Directions: but you use them all year because that was what was given to you when you moved out and you don't have the motivation to go buy new ones. Make sure your eggnog-to-rum ratio is at least one part eggnog to four parts rum. Chug that whole thing as fast as you can. Repeat. - Prep the only large Tupperware container you have. Line the bottom with paper ‘J Depression meals: Tis the season for fighting your family something, dinner and * When your uncle. Instead of standing up and saying make yourself another rum and eggnog. - Sit on the couch while dinner is being made and avoid socializing. Everyone but you brought homemade treats. Since nobody else is eating your cookies, eat six more. * Keep drinking in silence. Sit down for nod politely and say “Fine.” Make sure not to * Preheat oven to 350 degrees. - Feel a wave of accomplishment come over you as you open the box of cookies and only eat two of them raw. Sure, you meant to make homemade cookies for your family’s holiday gathering, but at least this isn’t like last year where you made nothing. - Place remaining cookies on a cookie sheet and place in oven. Set your timer for 10-12 minutes. towel. Or don’t. I don’t care. * Take cookies out of the oven when timer goes off. Let cool for five minutes. - Eat two cookies. They’re so good fresh out of the oven. Eat another one for good measure. - Place cookies in Tupperware container. Leave for your family dinner. - Walk in the door of your mother’s place to find your sister fighting with your racist tell her that you dropped out weeks ago. - Keep dodging pushy questions from your father. - Start crying when he accuses you of being a good-for-nothing liar. Go into fetal position under the table. - Congrats, you've just made this dinner awkward for everyone. - Go home and cry yourself to sleep. Repeat next year. walk to the booze counter and shove turkey into your face. mother asks how school is going,