issue 09 / volume 41 Stop HIV & hep C now » MMA vs. HIV, HBV, and HCV: the blood battle Andrea Arscott Senior Columnist e all know fighting is dangerous, yet people still do it. Since attackers are willing to risk their lives in of spreading or contracting HIV : mixed martial arts (MMA) as well as hepatitis B and C is only a minor concern, if it even crosses their minds. Although the risk of getting HIV from fighting is lower because the virus dies when it’s exposed to air, there’s still a risk. explains, “The small number of case reports documenting HIV transmission : blood into another fighter’s via this route [fighting] involved a significant amount of blood from the HIV-positive person, as well as large open wounds in the other person’s skin.” Hep B, on the other hand, : to-blood. Most people get the : vaccine for hep B when they : get a series of Twinrix shots, : but there’s currently no vaccine : for hep C. So, when it comes : to fighting, hep B and C are : the more likely blood-borne : illnesses to be transmitted. street fights, maybe the thought : In sports fighting, like : in Ultimate Fighting : Championship (UFC), : opponents battle it out with : despite the fact that they may : be dripping or oozing blood. : Ifa trained fighter is unaware : that they’re positive for HIV or : hep B or C, and they get their : bloodstream (through cuts and : on to their opponent. MMA- : and UFC-style fighting involves : grappling and bear hugging, : which could lead to rubbing : open wounds together and : blood tests are taken within a : year prior to a fight. A year is : along time to go untested, if : the fighter is a risk-taker. Many : fighters are young and in top : physical shape, so it’s likely : they have sex. Ifan opponent is : responsible and practices safe : sex by using condoms, there’s : an even smaller chance of passing HIV on during a match. However; if a pro fighter is also an adrenaline junkie, : fistfights and wrestle each other : : behaviour: sharing needles : and other equipment needed : for drug injection or steroid : use, sharing straws and bills : to snort cocaine, sharing crack : pipes, and using unsterilized : : tattoo/piercing equipment and : sores), they could pass the virus : : lead to hep B and C, if they’re : contaminated. Although there’s : : onlya slim chance of acquiring : HIV through most of these : activities, sharing needles isa he may enjoy other daring ink. Sharing these items can can live outside the body for : exchanging blood. : concern because HIV can live at least seven days,andhepC : You may be shaking your _: in the barrel of a syringe for can survive on surfaces for up head right now thinking, approximately a month. to six weeks. Hep B is passed : “That’s why competitors Unless fighters who engage on through semen, vaginal fluids, and blood; hep C is only transferred from blood- : get tested.” But guess what? : According to, : regulation rules require that in these activities get tested : more often than once a year : (two to four times per year would be ideal), they might not : know they have a blood-borne ; illness or that they’re putting : opponents at risk by competing. There’s also a three-month : window period to consider : when testing for HIV. Most : people will test positive for HIV : : a month after the exposure, : but some may take up to three : months before they can say : they’re in the clear. So, if you're going to pick a : fight with an illness as tough as life & style // 17 : HIVor hep B or C, know your : status and protect yourself and : others. Stop HIV and hep B and : Cnow. : The Purpose Society testing : clinic at 40 Begbie Street in : New Westminster will be providing anonymous and : rapid HIV testing and STI and : hepatitis testing on February 5. : It also provides vaccines, free : harm reduction supplies, and : condoms! You can also get your : questions answered by emailing : CALL TODAY Northbank NEW WESTMINSTER ie | STUNNING VIEWS + SPACIOUS HOMES MOVE IN NOW | | ey a 604.523.0081 GET MORE WITH METRO VANCOUVER’S BEST VALUE. NORTHBANK.CA *Developer reserves the right to make changes to the pricing, Incentlves and deposit structure without notice. This is not an offering for sale. Any such offering must be made with a disclosure statement. E.&0.E.. IE MAC Marketing Solutions Ballenas PROJECT MANAGEMENT OWN Ad BEDROOM FROM $351,900" COLUMBIA STREET PRESENTATION CENTRE & 125 COLUMBIA STREET OWN A1 BEDROOM FC = wn = Q a | | Wu