We’re not sorry As people who believe in real news, we at the Other Press are glad to see the response to our news story “Killing Game Ruffles Feathers’. We at the Other Press do occa- sionally make mistakes. However, we do not apologize for running the story on the killing game that ap- peared in the last issue. But we would like to say that sometimes we assign stories rather quickly. Apol- -ogies to Mr. Turkington if we made him “feel like ah ‘absolute shit”. That was not our intention. The assassination story was orig- inally assigned to Mr. Turkington. When his story landed on the news desk, it was clear that a mistake had been made in assigning someone to a story they were personally in- ’ volved in. We at the Other Press en- deavour to provide all sides of a news story. Unfortunately, Mr. Turkington’s story, in it’s original, form was not acceptable as a true news story, it was more of a press Policy Blasted In the last issue of the Other Press there appeared a story on the Assassin Game by Paul J. Gill, I 4 also wrote a story on the same sub- ject. My story did not make it to the paper, Paul Gill’s did. The dead- | line for a story is Monday at 6:00 pm. My story was written on Monday and handed in by 3:00 pm . My story was what could be cal- led pro-assassin compared to Paul’s negative story. It seems that Paul has taken a negative attitude * to the Assassin Game, an attitude shared by our production co-ord- inator, John McDonald. In Paul’s story there are quotes taken from my story. An example of this is when Andrew Flostrand stated that, “the Assassin Game should be viewed as an overcom- Sandra responds to Bettie.. I would like to remind you that the Student Assistance Task Force was held here at Douglas and that the results were achieved by the students involved and would have been achieved with or without CFS. Douglas College is taking part in the campaign to send ..-and to Irwin Yes, you and I are both part of CFS. I am a part of the CFS that is extremely dissatisfied with the lack of constructive activity within this organization. As a student of Douglas College, I feel that I have been extremely well informed about CFS by Michael Booth (VP External). I found your letter in the Other Press to be extremely insult- ing and wildly inaccurate. Perhaps Mr. Booth should be required to neglect his other duties in order to distribute CFS propaganda. Marg release extolling the virtues of the game. The story was reassigned, and an attempt was made to write a proper news story. We apologize to Mr. Turkingdon for not giving him pro- per credit for his contribution to the story. As to complaints that the story was too critical and negative, well, there just doesn’t appear to be much support for the game other than that of the participants. As always, we encourage students to contribute to the Other Press. As with any paper, space restrictions can preclude us from running all submissions and stories, but we do our best. The Other Press Editor’s Note: We did receive a let- ter from the Assassination organ- izers but when they failed to show up for the interview they had ar- ranged with our reporters we made a decision to hold the letter back till a future issue. plicated version of a simple game of tag.” That quote was taken from my interview with Andrew Flos- trand. The fact is that Paul Gill never interviewed Andrew. So I ask you this: How could Paul know what Andrew said to me? The answer is simple, Gill took my submitted article and hashed it to pieces so he could write his own story using some of the article’s contents. Also in his story he did not mention or make use of the tules of the game. All I would like to say in closing is that if the Other Press decides not to use a story just let it rest. Don’t hash it and use the parts that help another person who is too lazy to talk to people. The reason for that is it makes the person who wrote the article feel like absolute shit! Colin Turkington Editorial Co-ordinator postcards to Stan Hagen, and in- tends to remain active in B.C. stu- dent affairs. Students in B.C. are perfectly capable of managing their own affairs and speaking as a united force without the interfer- ence of CFS. Students united doesn’t necessarily mean Students for CFS. Sandra Glass Arts/Humanities Rep. DCSS Fartaczek, Pacific Regional Chairperson of CFS, said that Michael Booth is “also a member of the regional executive and very ac- tive in its affairs.” (Interview with The Other Press, Feb. 25/87). I have always found Mr. Booth to be informative and impartial regard- ing CFS. Yes, Mr. Oostindie we are aware that Capilano College is in North Vancouver, perhaps you should become more aware of what is happening here in New Westminster. What about your referendum? Sandra Glass Arts/Humanities Rep. j DCSS Orther Press It wasn’t THAT bad... The cartoon on Page 5 of last weeks Other Press raised the ire of some of our school’s Christians. Maybe it angered you too, I don’t know. The opinion I heard was that the cartoon “was the act of a high school newspaper”. That was fine, a valid opinion. I’m sure she will write in and tell us more about it. Then this person brought her personal religious beliefs into the conversation. She called the OP members who put the cartoon in the paper immoral; “You have pretty low morals...God gave us sex.” The idea was that we shouldn’t talk about sex or MAS- TURBATION. But the underlying theme of her argument was that the cartoon was sacrilege. Now I don’t want to be much of a shit-disturber, but people who try to impose their opinion/beliefs on me piss me off. In this case a Chris- tian tried to impose her morals on me. What gave her the right to judge me or my friends? Being judgemental is something A happy paper-reader We are writing in response to those two letters you published over the last two weeks. We parti- cularly enjoyed the way you handled those letters. Obviously those students have nothing better to do than cut down the “Other Press”. Well D.E., D.H., T.K., D.S., P.L., we are O.P., A.G., A.L., N.S., F.G., O.0., F.S. When one ‘Other ae March 11, 1987 Page 7 Douglas College’s Autonomous Student Newspaper everybody does to some degree during everyday life. But would you have the nerve to impose your beliefs on another person? Maybe the question should be: “Do you have the right to impose your opinion (because a belief is an opinion) on another person?” Here is an analogy to what I am talking about. If I came up to you and said, “Tommorow I want you to wear a green shirt, the one you have on now is ugly”, you would be pretty choked. Then if you re- fused and I got mad and callea you names you would be very upset, I would. You would in the very least think I was a jerk. In this issue there is more than likely another “offensive” cartoon. But who does it offend? A Sihk, maybe. A Hindu, maybe. Any member of any religion, maybe. But who would come down and call us immoral for being open minded? In conclusion, I am sick of hav- ing people approach me to tell me I have to be like they are. It’s time they were more. secure in their re- ligion and didn’t feel that the rest of the world had to live by it also. Jordan Acomba considers how small your (Other Press) budget is, one can only be impressed with the quality of our paper. Perhaps it can be enhanced with a small contribution from those five students. When one compares the “Other Press” to the “Ubyssey”, which has a much lar- ger budget, one can only wonder why we as College students are so lucky to have such a good paper. If you don’t like the paper then don’t read it. O. Peterson et al. Disclaimer: the opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Other Press. Letters may be edited for brevity and clarity and to subscribe to the Canadiun University Press statement of principles. War for children This morning I awoke late. I showered and dressed in record time. I grabbed my bag and flew out the door when I was sprayed with machine gun fire. A young boy, not older than 5, jumped up, shouted “Yo Joe!”, and ran off. Dying that early in morning put a damper on the day. Isn’t it funny how we are train- ing today’s children for tom- morow’s war already? I doubt if I can name one (more recent) car- toon show that doesn’t promin- ently feature the “good guy” win- ning through violence. Not to mention the inevitable plastic reproductions of their favorites: G.I. Joe is “a real American hero”, Rambo is “the force of freedom” and She-Ra and He-Man, come on. As if cartoons aren’t bad enough, now we have these hulk- ing idiots running around in gold lamé pyjamas and throwing each other about in a roped off ring. I wonder what Hulk Hogan thinks about the kid in California who tried to “be just like him” and kill- ed his brother when he tried “one of the neat wrestling moves I saw on T.V.”, a knee drop to the throat. Maybe “Leave it to Beaver’ was comy, but at least our parents didn’t grow up to be paranoid, psychotic murderers. . Jeff House The Orther Press The Other Press is a dem- ocratically run, autonomous student newspaper serving Douglas College since 1976. It publishes 16 times a seme- ster, once a week, under the auspices of The Other Publi- cations Society. Our funding comes by way of a direct stu- dent levy paid at registration and through local and _ natio- nal advertising. The Other Press is a member of the Canadian University Press and subscribes to it’s state- ment of principles. OPS Board of Directors Chairperson: Paul J. Gill Member at Large: Vacant Member at Large: , Vacant Staff Representative: John McDonald Staff Representative: Kirstin Shaw Business Manager: Mark Roberts Other Press Staff Production Co-ordinator: John McDonald Typesetting Co-ordinator: Jeff House Production Assistant: ; David Mills Copy Editors: Mike Roberts Jennifer Whiteside John McDonald News Co-ordinator: John McDonald Editorial Co-ordinator: Colin Turking ton Entertainment Co-ordinators: Jeff House Kirstin Shaw Features Co-ordinator: Vacant Classifieds Co-ordinator: Vacant Sports Co-ordinator: Veronica Blok Recruitment Co-ordinator: Karen Dhillon Graphics Co-ordinator: Chris Brown Photographic Co-ordinator: Rachael Smith Human Rights Co-ordinator: Vacant Contributors John McDonald Chris Brown Rachael Smith Lori Donald Glen Emery Kenn & Zesty Pete Paul J. Gill Other Press room (under the door) Pe kv aves