yr oe Tigger a Pes = Thanks for your help, they still need more. Send in those letters. I neglected to mention that Douglas College stu- dents were involved in the organizing of the Iran- Iraq protest reported on in the March 14th issue.Some of our students’ families are in the war zones mentioned and have not been able to establish contact with their family members. There are still march 14th papers available to anyone who would like to sign the letters that were run. The letters requested the Prime MInister to take a stand on Canada’s behalf against the "war of the cities" in particular and the war in general; the UN to pressure both countries to stop bombarding civilians and known population centers, such as the schools, hospitals and shops; and to CTV National News requesting broader coverage of the current situation. Every letter signed and sent is regarded by government to represent 15 voters who did not write but hold the same view. Your signature makes a dif- ference. I was approached by one of our students this week who thanked me and the Other Press for the concern we have shown for his people. We could not have done it without your support. Thankyou for bring- ing your letters in to the OP. We will be extending our deadline for mailing to March 31st to allow everyone the opportunity to drop their letters in. All letters will be mailed at-the end of the month. the opinions of The Other Press. DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed herein do not neccessarily reflect Submissions may be edited for clarity and brevity and so as to conform to the Canadian University Press Statement of Principles. No submission of a racist, sexist or homophobic nature will be considered: "Record" Response In response to my editorial, "For The Record", Rick Shepherd met with me to discuss the intent of his actions. He said that it was not his intent to impede the progress of the Student Action Committee. "I guess people misunderstand me. "The second petition was at the request of a student and the box for student ac- tion suggestions was created by Rick. Rick says that he is just doing his job to the best of his abilities and that due to a lack of experience, he sometimes makes mistakes. However, when threatened, Rick states he has a tendency to become more stubborn about his position on a matter. "If I have spent a long time Correction to “It’s Your Money" With regards to your article on the Douglas College Foundation, reported in your February 24, 1988 issue, I would like to point out that this article has been drastically misquoted. I realize it is not the fault of the reporter as that individual was given incorrect information by the person interviewed. First of all, Scott Nelson recom- mended a $10,000 donation,the Student Society gave only $2,500 thinking something through and it seems logical to me, I have a hard time understanding that others might not see the logic that I see. But I am willing to look at other points of view if I am asked to." I was genuinely touched at the honesty with which Rick was will- ing to openly discuss my editorial and the image he has projected of himself. Rick went so far as to say that there are times that he does not like himself and he is actively engaged in improving his character and learning from his mistakes. I appreciate the courage it took for Rick to be frank with me knowing that I would print whatever he said. Thank you for the interview, Rick. I think its great when we can actually admit that we’re just being human beings! Aerio! Alderking last year, and the $60,000 was donated between the years 1984 to 1986. Also, there was no balance withheld from the Foundation as there has been no donation ap- proved by the students at present. On March 7, 1988 there was to be a motion presented to the Foundation Board quaranteeing the Student Sociey two student representatives and as this meeting has not yet hap- pened Anena Johnston feels that "It’s the wrong time to make a dona- tion". Thank you for setting the record straight. Shane Polak Law Takes Priority | To the Editor: This letter is pointed at the topic of abortion. Before I attempt to make any statement I would like to clarify that I have no reference to the concept of giving birth because Iam male. The gist of my argument is based solely in the practices of the society that we live in, and the laws of the land. The position of the Roman Catholic Church and of many Pro- Life groups is that abortion is mur- der and that it can never be con- doned. Regardless of the situation of the mother or that of the pregnan- cy. Achild is a gift from God in the eyes of the Church. Another argument that is used is the right to life of the unborn fetus (child). This argument stems from the idea that even though the child is unborn that they have the rights, pursuant to the constitution of Canada, of a child. This is the pivo- tal argument that they have in the support of their claim. The argument that is employed by the Pro-Choice movement is simply that it is the right of the woman to exercise control over her body. The basis of this argument is that the fetus (child) is a part of the woman’s body for the time of the gestation period. The constitution guarantees each individual a certain semblance of control over their bodily functions. So in the arguments of each side we see that both have valid points that are based in the law of the land. In terms of the arguments of some groups of either side there is a cer- tain degree of sensationalism. Also since the subject is very controver- sial language and arguments can be loaded to emphasize the emotional component as opposed to the ra- tional component of the issue. Unfortunately another hydra is brought into the issue and that is politics. There are dynamic politi- cal motives involved behind the support to anything as telling as the abortion issue. Politicians are very afraid when they have to take a firm, unalterable stand on an issue that is polarized. This is due to the fact that they are pressured by both their constituents and by the party, more specifically the party whip, to conform to what is expected of them. Politicians also fear being labeled by groups that are powerful, due to the potential stigma that can be attached. After all is said and done we must look at the most technical aspect of the argument that we are approaching. My personal opinion is that abortion is a legal and viable practice. The morals involved may be questionable but they are not what has to be on trial in the abor- tion issue. My reasoning behind this is that a fetus (child) is clinically brain dead until such a time that the higher cortex develops. I am not familar with the exact time during the gestation period when this comes about, but I believe that the clinical view must be supported. Otherwise any person who is clini- cally brain dead and has been al- lowed to die has been murdered. Asa society we have set a stand- ard by which we measure the ac- tions of each individual, that is the law. This standard is absolute, and must remain absolute even though life is a study in exceptions. The abortion issue has no affect on me and thus I am capable of being ab- solute. But those that must make that descision are incapable of being absolute and that is where compromise occurs. I invite response to this letter conditionally. If you violently dis- agree with my opinion please tell me, but think your argument out and do not use an emotional argu- ment. Please respond through the Other Press, because that is the medium that I have chosen to air my opinion. Sincerely, David Mills UNTAPPED THE GOLDEN THROAT CHARMER, NOW ON DRAUGHT.