INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / FEBRUARY 14, 1989 ‘SUA RAD A a ESS ti ca tha aaa I] President’s Report Continued tional programs can be housed. These efforts are being coor- dinated with a larger effort to provide additional space in Sep- tember for student enrollments. Peter Greenwood, Terry Leonard, John McKendry, and their staffs have been especially involved in this effort. D. INTERNAL MATTERS - GENERAL Tonight, January 19, sig- nalled the unofficial opening of the "Douglas Room". Tomor- row, there will be a formal "Open House”, to celebrate the College’s newest facility - one dedicated to College employees. This was a product of the space crisis experienced this Fall, and the resulting analysis and overhaul of operations, room allocations, and timeta- bling strategies. Not only have we been able to solve the imme- diate space crisis, but the College employees have been provided with a modest but very comfortable additional facility. Registration for the Spring Semester occurred on January 10, 11 and 12 - with results parallel to that of the Fall - a record turnout of students. In a technical sense, registration went very smoothly, under the leadership of personnel from the Registrar’s Office. Unhappily, smooth and effec- tive counselling and admissions processes, are of little avail if there are simply too many stu- dents for the spaces provided. This continues to be the case. The Ministry is well aware of the problem. I have mentioned previously that work is ongoing at this time, to attempt to create additional places for next Sep- tember. I am very happy to announce that Bob Browne, of the Chemistry Discipline, is now the Editor of "C-3" the national chemistry newsletter for com- munity colleges and technical institutes. It is a tribute to Bob’s dedication, and an honour for the College to have one of its faculty carrying out such a sig- nificant national role. Bill Day