INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / MARCH 6, 1990 SS. esis" FOUNCAtION News Gyro Club donates funds The Gyro Club of New Westminster recently donated $10,000 to the Douglas College Foundation for student bursaries. The donation pushed the Foundation over the $1 million mark in endowment funds. Left to right: Peter Webster, chairperson of the Douglas College Foundation; Fred Deighton, president of the Gyro Club of New Westminster; Ed Nelson, vice-president of the Gyro Club; and Ray Godin, vice chairperson of the Foundation. @ Kiwanis Club helps students ao. bursary has been established by the Kiwanis Club of White Rock to ssist students at Douglas College. The bursary will assist students from the South Surrey and White Rock area who are studying general and psychiatric nursing. The Kiwanis Club established the endowment with an initial $500 dona- tion to the Douglas College Foundation. The club plans to add $500 a year over the next four years, bringing the total pledge to $2500. The endowment fund will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the provincial government under the matching grant program. All interest generated will be reinvested in the fund. At the end of five years, the endowment will be worth in excess of $5,000. It will generate a’bursary worth $500 a year for nursing students in the South Surrey and White Rock areas. While the fund is growing, the club will make a separate $500 a year donation to ensure students in South Surrey and White Rock get the assis- tance they require. M Orientation for support staff on performance evaluation The Collective Agreement be- tween the College and the B.C. Government Employees’ Union provides for probationary and an- nual performance evaluation of sup- port staff employees. In recent years performance evaluation of staff has been conducted sporadically and has involved the use of a variety of instruments. The Personnel Department has generated a standard Performance Evaluation document for support staff that is designed to facilitate dis- cussion between the employee and his/her supervisor. This Perfor- mance Evaluation document also in- tegrates training and career development as an important part of the process. The use of the docu- ment is voluntary at this time; how- ever, it is the intention of the College to move toward college-wide im- plementation of the upgraded sys- tem over the next year. Orientation sessions for managers and supervisors have been scheduled for the purpose of establishing a common approach to implementation and application. Support staff who are interested in learning more about the upgraded Performance Evaluation for Support Staff are invited to attend one of the following general orientation ses- sions. * Tuesday, March 13, 1990 0900 — 1200, Boardroom * Thursday, March 15, 1990 0900 — 1200, Boardroom No pre-registration is required for the above sessions; however, if you require further information, please contact Marian Exmann at local 5338. @ ESET AT EL A ESS