MAD HATTER “a the University of British Colum- John Russell, B.C. Civil Liberties PROGRAM bia. Association Peter Sieizon EVALUATION The More Great Musicians ; March 25 concert will begin at 8 John Collins anise Saja) p.m. in the Performing Arts of Continuing Education Project Theatre, Room 4100. Tickets to eae may scone with hear Jane Coop are $8 general the College to develop a program pelted fodpeudichts andi seniors AN INVITATION evaluation system. For reservations, call the Box Of- fice at 520-5488. EP ————e ISSUES IN THE ARTS IN CANADA LECTURE SERIES Douglas College, PFA 101: Arts and Culture in Canada, a series of guest lectures is being presented dealing with current is- sues in the arts. Students, faculty and staff of the College are in- vited to attend any of these lec- tures, which should be of interest to all Canadians. All lectures take place from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Tuesday, March 22 Room 3221 “Copyright and Public Lending Rights" Virginia Chisholm, Director, Douglas College Leaming Resources Centre Thursday, March 24 Room 2201 “Free Trade and Canadian Identity" Laurier Lapierre, CKVU Tuesday, March 29 Room 3221 “The Craftsman in Canada” Michael Dunn, Douglas College Music Instrument Repair Program Thursday, April 7 Room 2201 “Architectural Preservation and Restoration" Gordon Price, Vancouver alderman Thursday, April 14 Room 2201 “Censorship and Pornography” The Psychology Discipline of Douglas College cordially invites you to attend a special guest-lec- ture on Thursday, March 24 from 12:15 to 1:45 p.m. in Room 2201. The speaker is Dr. P Tata, Senior Clinical Psychologist of St. George’s Hospital in London, England. He will be speaking on Eating Disorders. A question-and-answer period is included in the programme. Ad- mission is free. Co-ordinator, Valerie MacBean FELLOWSHIP AWARDED John and Dale were selected for this project because of their exper- tise in program evaluation, their previous experience in program evaluation and their plan to con- sult extensively with faculty and administrators. I am confident that they will be sensitive to our personal and in- stitutional concerns. Gerry DellaMattia Dean, Educational and Student Services Gail Fraser, English instructor, has received a SSHRCC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada) Postdoctoral Fellowship. It’s for full-time research to be carried out at U.B.C. and Stanford University. The program invol- ves researching and writing a book about Joseph Conrad’s portrayal of women, in the con- text of political, social, and literary developments in Europe (including Poland) in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Tenure is for one year, renewable for another year, and the value is approximately $50,000. Gail will commence the fellowship in September 1988. Maurice Hodgson SUMMER REGISTRATION Summer Registration will take place on FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1988 - 3rd floor North building - commencing at 0830 to 1600 hours. Registration Instructions will be available for pick-up in the Office of the Registrar on Tuesday, March 15, 1988. Trish Angus, Registrar