a | Both si ides have also agreed to request = mea J bal College could have been presented witha | | much worse proposal, he said. from, ‘Saction 3 of Bill 3, the Public: Sector Restraint Act, that would allow admini strators to bypass. the layoff clau ses in the contract. Faculty will vote on the proposal June 12_ with the Douglas College Board voting June 20 before the contract is submitted to the Compensation Stabil ization Program for final approval. ‘ “Barbe beeths oc Ci meet tt An Invitation eT ree To All Faculty, Staff, and Admini istrators The Douglas College Student Society is pleased to announce that it is once again NM sponsoring a Barbecue Social Evening on _ June 14, 1985 for those students enrolled in the English Language Bursary program. You are encouraged to attend and bring a guest. Admission and dinner are free. The use| bar faci : ities wi nA be avai labte. | Tickets must be picked ape at the Student | Society Business Office (2780) before — June 10 or call 522-6038 for ADDRES paepasy mal. lout. - Advance tickets only. t tic ot | al sequent month. jot yaad a ‘Supercard i AUGUST PRICES Neat eat Who Knows... : Note: yal * Mad Hatter Page 2 a sale Student Society for the last five business days of the month and the first five bus iness days cot the sub- June Prices | Concession - Se 00 (no dis scount) Ascsi | - $40. 00 Aka = $54.00 atc ae | ; far ($54.00 | y - | = $70.00 pin Suburban , Urban nee 4 Faresay we at Also on sale at ‘the Student Society, but 30 no restr icted deys to purchase. ie are: : ty a ns ile five. deys a week. “One Zone - $9.00 (save $1.00) Two Zones - - $12.00 (save $1. 50) Multi ‘Zones - $16. 00 (save $1.75) The pieiecn Soetory’ Business: office is closed » from 1300 - 1400 hours: ee Ve a Gos tor ree /Merrilyn a ie : i 2 Mike Glavin | Heep Ser it an, _— e | pa i a 1 ‘ . I | * 5 ; President D.C.S.S. in Te ie re _______ - a poe rth a a arta v wie ies = A 1 J i nm a 5 - i? 1