SPORTS EVENTS DOUGLAS VOLLEY AND BASKETBALLERS EXCEL AT KAMLOOPS ON WEEKEND The Douglas women's volley- ball team downed all opposition when Cariboo College, Kamloops, hosted a tournament Saturday, February 2nd. The men's team won two of their games and went down narrowly to the strongest squad, BCIT, 6-15; 15-11; and 12-15, in the final game of the day. It was anybody's match, and with the aid of Charles Parkinson, who was involved in an important soccer game, we would have "cleaned their clock." In basketball the men hammer- ed out a merciless 120-52 win over Cariboo College. The women had fouling problems, and ended the game 47-54, short two players. Next Totem Volleyball Action: February 16 at Van. City College Next Totem Basketball Matches: February 13 at BCIT; Women at 6:00 and Men at 8:00 23 - INTERCOLLEGE BADMINTON AT TRINITY WESTERN, SATURDAY Pickings were light for Douglas College at Totem badminton on Satur- day, February 2nd. Basic reason: a healthy part of the team were involved in sports at Kamloops. Outstanding for the tri-campuspians were: Bev Green- 2nd, ladies'singles; Mahmud Lalani- 4th, men's singles; and Owen Chan- 5th. Next Totem Badminton Play: February 9 at BCIT - 9:30 start. TOTEM BADMINTON Douglas Team Makes Best Show to Date at BCIT Tourney, Sat Some new-found strength in the camps of Douglas College and Capilano is putting Van City!s badminton supremacy to the test. Douglas performed their best to date, with Mahmud Lalani and Walji placing second in the men's doubles, Van City taking it. Similarly, Bev Green and Mah- mud Lalani were second in mixed doubles, succumbing to Pirani and Holloway of Cap College. Others who stood out for Douglas were: John Kubasek and Owen Chan, who won the first round game they played in men's doubles; Jadine Murray, who was fifth in women's singles; Ann Bain and Bev Green, who won the consolation round in women's doubles; Jadine Murray and Marian Wilson, who were fourth in the same event; and Karen Morley and Walji, who were third in mixed doubles. Robin Ryan