According to the Government of Canada, “Almost equal proportions of men and women (7 percent and 8 percent respectively) had been the victims of intimate partner physical and psychological abuse” Domestic and Sexual Abuse Ithough women are often the priority in discussions about cases of domestic and sexual abuse, men are also often abused. In fact, according to the Canadian Centre for Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse, one in six men have been sexually assaulted in their lifetime. This number may even be underrepresented given the nature of how unreported sexual assault cases are. This is especially the case for men as the Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services reports, stating that that male sexual abuse cases are even more unreported than women’s. This is because most men who go through sexual assault don’t report it or talk about it with people out of fear of being ridiculed, shamed, disbelieved, ignored, called weak, or have their sexuality questioned. Male survivors also fear being blamed for the attack because they were not manly or macho enough to stop or protect themselves from it. On a similar note, according to the Canadian Department of Justice, “The idea of masculinity includes physical strength, being in control, always wanting and being ready for sex, and being the perpetrator of such assaults, never the victim.” It’s also a harmful stereotype that men can’t be raped because they are expected to be more sexual and therefore want sex more, so they “probably wanted it.” And if the perpetrator is an attractive, older woman, they should be happy to have the experience. There is also a lack of services and resources for male survivors of sexual assault. Men are also woefully underestimated in domestic abuse cases. According to the Government of Canada, “Almost equal proportions of men and women (7 percent and 8 percent respectively) had been the victims of intimate partner physical and psychological abuse (18 percent and 19 percent respectively).” Furthermore, according to the Vancouver Sun, “26 per cent of the British Columbians who have been killed as a result of domestic violence have been men, according to a BC coroner’s report. The report said that in the decade ending in 2014, 113 BC women were killed in acts of intimate-partner violence and 40 men.” Child Custody n the case of child custody battles, men are also disproportionately represented. According to the Canadian Department of Justice, mothers are more likely to receive exclusive custody of children during separation. In cases from 2006 to 2015, mothers got sole physical custody of their kids’ 61 percent of the time whereas men got it 10 percent of the time. In terms of legal custody, the numbers still show an inequality for men. This is because women are generally seen as the better caretakers. Furthermore, “The General Social Survey GSS (2014) reports that oftentimes the child lived primarily with their mother (70 percent), with 15 percent living primarily with their father.” According to a National Post article, “Many men report that the family justice The current narrative implies that men are the overwhelming majority of initiators of violence. As an article in the Toronto Sun points out, the Government of BC gives an outline of what law enforcement should do in cases of domestic abuse—in the Domestic Violence Response: A Community Framework for Maximizing Women’s Safety, it is stated that “Responses to domestic violence should acknowledge that domestic violence is a power-based crime in which, generally, the male in an intimate relationship exercises power and control over the female.” The document encourages this “gender lens” when approaching domestic abuse. But, as the stats show, and as Sarah Desmarais—a SFU PhD holder in forensic psychology who studies partner violence— agrees with, men are equally likely to suffer domestic abuse as women. It is true that women are more likely to suffer death from physical harm, and as she said in an article by the CBC, “What we do seem to find is that even though the rates are similar, they are different in terms of their severity and also the likelihood that they're going to inflict injury.” She goes on to clarify that, “[Wwomen are] usually smaller than their male partners and men are usually using more severe forms of violence.” Mentioned in the earlier Toronto Sun article, researchers’ study of the Statistics Canada population survey shows that men are just as likely to face physical violence from their female partners in domestic disputes, even if the outcome is different. It is certainly important to allocate special attention to the brutalization of women in this case of physical abuse, but it is vital to not allow these outcomes to skew perceptions on truth about the domestic abuse men face. There also needs to special attention allocated to empowering and supporting male victims of domestic abuse. On skewed perception, Desmarais says that the potential harms of the current view on male abuse “Are multiple. We could be looking at a lack of services available. [...] There are much fewer services available, and also legal action that can be taken by a male that is being victimized,” she said. system is institutionally sexist, casually entertaining false allegations while continuously ruling against them, regardless of actual circumstances.” The reason the Other Press believes that these issues are so important is because of how little they are discussed and how widely they are invalidated. Case in point, in 2012 Simon Fraser University entertained the idea of creating a men’s centre, but it was quickly dismissed since “the men’s centre is everywhere else.” This is exactly why a day like International Men’s Day is so important and why we should all recognize its significance. If you'd like to contribute to solving men’s issues, the Movember Foundation is all about helping men. =