use is impossible. We create demand for meat through willful ignorance, but there is no political agenda in our apathy. While universal veganism would solve the issue, only two per cent of Canadians are vegan, and becoming so won't improve any factory animal’s immediate circumstances. Only state-of-the- art fast food advertising sustains the status quo. By all means, go vegan, but since most of us are likely to continue eating meat, the best we can do is to advocate for farm animals to be treated humanely before their time comes. According to the Criminal Code of Canada, animal cruelty is defined as willfully causing “unnecessary pain, suffering, or injury to an animal ora bird.” Going by the NFACC approved factory farming methods, there is overwhelming evidence that pain, suffering, and injury is borne constantly by factory-farmed animals. Is it necessary? Only for production volume. NAMI and NFACC will claim this volume is necessary to feed humankind. In searching for alternative means of farming, we will make little progress with these organizations by arguing ethics on behalf of the animals. There is, however, an extensive body of work documenting the considerable human costs of factory farming. Scientific journals like the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition have reported numerous clinical studies connecting red meat consumption with type- 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease in humans. It is, at the same time, the official position of the American Dietetic Association that, since all protein amino- acids can be readily sourced from vegetables, nuts, seeds, or beans, animal protein is simply unnecessary in a healthy human diet. So it seems the suffering of farm animals is unnecessary after all, which implies factory farm practice is contrary to the Criminal Code. Given that conclusion, clearly factory farms are committing animal cruelty—or would be, if they were obligated to follow federal law. But forget technicalities; picture your own pet in these awful conditions and judge if that’s not animal cruelty. Think of the millions of gallons of literal bull shit produced every day by factory farms, the untreated 700,000 square foot manure pits frequently contaminating the meat we consume, the fact that factory farms generate 26 per cent of all worldwide nitrous oxide emissions responsible for global warming, and that they prolifically spread airborne salmonella and E.coli to nearby communities. Look at all of this and judge if humans aren't being harmed. It is our apathy, our willingness to eat what we're given that creates such a demand for factory-farmed meat. Every time we eat anything that was grown in a factory farm, we are consenting not just to unethical treatment of animals but to cruelty toward humans and planet earth alike. As consumers, we are all to blame. It’s as if we're all walking up to the feed lots, bowls in hand, meekly crowing “Please, sir, I want some more.” What to do? Consider the recent history of smoking in Canada. Health and Welfare Canada reports over 50 per cent of the Canadian population smoked in 1965. Following the 1964, U.S. Surgeon General’s report which indicted smoking as a primary cause of lung cancer, aggressive anti-smoking advertising campaigns evolved over the ensuing half century, funded largely through punitive taxation of tobacco products at the consumer level. At the same time, comprehensive legislative reform ultimately abolished all forms of tobacco advertising in Canada. Today, Statistics Canada reports our country’s smoking population is now less than 15 per cent. Therein lies the solution: advertisement. Just as cigarette packs and points-of-sale are mandated to advertise tobacco use hazards, so too should meat packages and their points-of-sale offer images of the manure pit, the killing floor, and the manifest health hazards associated with meat consumption. Let every parent at the grocery store explain to their children what is being done to the cows on the meat deli’s new TV screens. When the human costs of factory farming become indisputable public knowledge, humanity’s self- interest will override the pseudo- consent of apathy. By combining public health mandates, taxation policy, and media advertising, we can all pressure factory farms to either change their methods or deconstruct. If even one of the big distributors like McDonalds, for example, were to change its policy and “go vegan,” by popular demand that would be the tipping point. We made this problem together, and fixing it won't be easy. Perhaps we should discuss it over dinner.