TS Se rr ae nT rae The Other Press December 9th 1981 to 1982 Kevin Hallgate, Douglas College Student Society father figure beside portrate of ancestor. Continued from page 1 Students for an Accessible Education spokesperson Paul Yaskowich said. Nov- ember 16 the tuition in- crease could go even higher if the Socred provincial government decides to put a different spending priority on its new taxation ability. “‘There’s no indication the present government has changed its priorities,’ he said. “The (potential) increase implies Curtis will make students pay for the federal shortfall,’’ said Yaskowich. “The Socreds have a gen- eral user-pay attitude, and that’s wrong.”’ James Hollis, Alma Mater Society external affairs co- ordinator said, ‘‘The_ in- crease in next year’s tuition boggles the imagination. The effects will be devastat- ing.”’ “If the Socreds don’t come up with extra funding (to match the federal shortfall) they would effectively be abandoning the system,”’ he said. AMS president Marlea Haugen said, ‘‘I find it absolutely amazing that a country that is worried about its technological fu- ture can withhold money from the only vehicle that allows them to maintain that technology.’’ Haugen charged the in- crease will make UBC an elitist institution. ‘‘Perhaps. when some worker realizes that his child can’t attend university because of the elitist at- titudes,of the Liberal gov- ernment, we may see a new crewed YOU'RE 19. NOW YOU HAVE A CHOICE IN TOMORROW ... you're on the Provincial Voter's List. To have the right to choose, you have to register to vote. It's easy. Just contact your nearest Registrar of Voters or Government Agent. But don't put it off. Do it today. And have a choice in tomorrow. Province of Chief Electoral British Columbia Office eae i BURT REYNOLOS SETS LC ESE NO al Ns BURT REYNOLDS .. eee en S| CAMO 511 ae SUG TORO Re Ca eal PMD Us 1g EARL HOLLIMAN - BERNIE CASEY « HENRY SILVA+ DARRYL HICKMAN - RICHARD LIBERTINI ae Oe ER ae emer) Came ameter ON Ws 1 (a a WOR sovenoty tyGERALD DI PEGO taser upon the roel bp WILLIAM DIEHL Procices by HANK MOONJEAN ected ty BURT REYNOLDS ed = = ra 1 R i erent Coa e tas, ie ae - ee ro Tia TT Sat) Cs