College restructuring update College-wide restructuring continues with the confirmation of positions in the Education Services Division, effective September |. The people named are incumbents in those positions. Trish Angus, Registrar Brenda Walton, Manager, Admissions & Records (formerly Assistant Registrar) Tad Hosoi, Director, Centre for International Education (formerly Manager) Marian Rossell, Director, Thomas Haney Centre, now reporting to Al Atkinson. Rob Linschoten, Director, Instructional Media Services (formerly Manager) reporting directly to Vice- President. Brenda Jack, Business Manager, Continuing Education (this position will be transferred out of Education Services Division when the department is decentralized). Virginia Chisholm, Director, Learning Resources Janet Knowles, Director, Community & Contract Services (a new department that incorporates Centre 2000 and Community Development, reports directly to Vice-President) As well, two positions were posted October | and will be filled December 1. The Dean of Student Development position replaces the current position of Director of Student Services and Developmental Education. The new position of Director of the Centre for Sport, Recreation & Wellness will manage a new unit that encompasses Athletics, Intramurals, the Sports Institute, and a number of employee wellness initiatives. Other staffing changes: the Registrar’s Office has assumed responsibility for Academic Advisors, staff in the Assessment Centre, and the Continuing Education registration and reception staff. In the Division of College Development: Brad Barber is now Director of Communications & Marketing (formerly Manager of the Public Information Office). In the Division of Finance and Administration: the position of Manager, Computing Support Services was offered to and accepted by Mark Coumont, who assumed his new duties effective October 1. The position of Manager of Administrative Application Services was offered to and accepted by Des Dougan, who assumed his new duties on September 27. 1 Bienvenue a Douglas College! A special reception was held September 6 to welcome a group of exchange students from College de Bois-de- Boulogne in Quebec who will study here this semester. Seen here are (left to right) Christian Ranger, Genevieve Lepage, Vice President of Instruction John McKendry, Julie MacKay, Samuel Remis-Lapalme, and Caroline Legault.