UPPER CAFETERIA CLOSURE On Thursday, October 8, 1987 the Upper Cafeteria will be closed at 4:00 p.m. to allow time for Gradua- tion set up. The Lower Cafeteria will remain open until 9:00 p.m. Devona Davies UPCOMING epee tea, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 - 12:30 Noon at New West - FREE U.B.C. Chamber Players Gerald Stanick, director Performance Theatre, Rm. 4100 OCTOBER 3 - NOVEMBER 3 Art Exhibit - Laurens Lee Paintings & Prints Theatre Foyer Gallery & Library TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6 - 14:00 Student Recital - FREE Performance Theatre, Rm. 4100 THURSDAY, OCTOBER & - 10:00 Poetry Reading - Ally McKay FREE - Rm. 3417 THURSDAY, OCTOBER & - 12:30 Noon at New West - FREE CURRENT FIGURES Synthesizer Data Band Performance Theatre, Rm. 4100 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13 - 14:00 Student Recital - FREE Performance Theatre, Rm. 4100 Healthstyles AN EXCITING NEW PROGRAM FOR WOMEN Ag you confused by current health nformation? Would you like to know more about stress management, osteoporosis, premenstrual syndrome, medication, nutrition, fitness? Do you want to commit yourself to a healthier ‘life style? If so, come and spend a weekend with people who can help. Bring us questions, bring us enthusiasm, come in comfortable dress. Women of any age are welcome. The atmosphere will be informal and fun. The instructors, Denise L. Hawthorne and Nancy J. Yurkovich are Health Promotion Specialist. They have up-to-date health information for you. They will share ideas about becoming an informed health consumer. They will help you devise a personalized health plan. And what can you expect to gain from this weekend? You will lam ways of becoming healthier. Consider investing one weekend October 2 -4, 1987 on yourself! You are worth It!! For further Information please telephone Rose Marle Fournler at Douglas College 520-5476, local 5346. For registration phone 520-5472. ' | mm yelIWX COLLEGE Take an in-depth look at the current state of Child Care Services in the Lower Mainland This 10-session course, starting October Ist, will provide the most up-to-date information on; * Residential and day services for children and their families The Course Co-ordinator, Dave Burgess, B.A., M.Ed., isa faculty member in the Child Care Counsellor program at Douglas College, and he has been professionally involved in Child Care Services [or many years. Call Douglas College Community Programs, §20-5473, 8:30 to 4:30 for further information, To register by phone (VISA and MASTERCARD only), call 520-5472. Fee: $75.