BACK ISSUES NEEDED lf you have any back issues of magazines that deal with business or economics, and are tired of having them clutter up the basement, send them to us. The English & Communications Department is trying to build up a collection of journals and maga- zines for its student's use, and would appreciate any donations. Please send them C/O Diana Wegner, English & Communications Department. Thank you. Diana Wegner NEEDED: BILLETS Malaspina College in Nanaimo is sponsoring a performance of the Tamagaina University Dance and Drama Group in the Douglas College Performing Arts Theatre on the evenings of September 10 and 11, 1986. Tony Bancroft, head of the Malaspina Theatre Department has asked that the students be billeted for these two evenings. Although we hope To place a few of the cast in the homes of our own theatre students, we obviously will need extra hosts. Anyone willing to help out please contact Dorothy Jones, or leave your name with Barb Sekhon, local 3308. Thank you. Dorothy Jones ANNOUNCEMENT Please note that effective immediately Barbara Edwards will now be Barbara Offen. REGISTRATION PROCESS Please note that the registration process has now been moved back to the 3rd floor, North Building, August 26, 27, & 28, 1986. Thank you. Trish Angus VICE-PRESIDENT ADMINISTRATION, MALASP INA COLLEGE Malaspina College is a comprehensive commu- nity college serving Central Vancouver Island. The main campus is located in Nanaimo with regional campuses located in Powell River and Duncan and an office in Parksville. This is one of three senior positions re- porting to the President and the College Board. The incumbent, as part of the senior management team, is responsible for: Business Managment Functions, including personnel and labour relations; purchasing; payroll; accounting; student services; physical plant; Financial Planning; Budget Preparation and Control; Administrative Secretary to the Board; Financial Advisor to the Board; Contracts; Computer Centre; Legal Affairs; and Insurance. Overal| supervision of approximately 45 administrative, professional and support personnel. Relevant degrees or designations required and previous successful management experi- ence in education, business, industry or government essential. Starting date, salary and benefits to be negotiated. Thank you. Applications should be submitted to: Director of Personnel, Malaspina College, 900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 555 no later than August 15, 1986. a ec oe ieee