MAD HATTER PAGE 2 EDUCATIONAL POLICY AND PLANNING COMMITTEE Your Senior Governance Committee (EPPCO) is now active, with its third meeting scheduled for May 12th in the McBride Site boardroom. Agendas, and minutes of previous meetings, are being posted for your information on all 4 sites - please check with your site manager for the exact location if you have not yet made the discovery. At its last meeting, each member received a copy of a compilation of existing educational policies, as policies are changed or new policies come into being, this manual will be updated. It now serves as EPPCO's bible. The Governance System began to operate later in the year than we anticipated. For that reason, the question of the expiry date of members' terms of office was raised at the last meeting. By motion, it was agreed that one- year committee members will serve to May, 1983, and two- year members will serve to May, 1984. This will hold true for representatives from all three constituencies - faculty, staff and students, including the members at large. There have been some changes to the membership list of your committee. A copy of the revised list is included in this issue for your information. Bill Day April 28, 1982