a OOUGLAS COLLEGE MAD HATIER PAGE 3 ARCHIVES HEATING There are a number of problems associated with the start-up of the mechanical heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems in the new facility. Because of these problems, everyone will experience a cer- tain degree of discomfort in various areas from time to time. The actual temperature in any given space is not yet under full control. All air volumes must be calib- rated and all systems balanced to achieve design air flows. This work is presently being done and should be largely complete within the next two to three weeks. The entire heating/air-conditioning system is controlled by a computer. This has been done to ensure that minimum energy is consumed at all times. The computer- ized monitoring and control system is not yet in full operation and some of the com- puter hardware and software must still be initialized. It is our hope that we can provide advance notification if particular areas are to be affected for any serious length of time. Should, at any time, a particular room _Or area be very cold or very wam, please notify us in turn and we will attempt to eliminate the problem. For a short period of time we will condone the use of small portable electric heaters, providing they are turned off when the room is unoccupied and providing they are used with the know- ledge that they will seriously affect cal- ibration of any thermostat which is sit- uated close enough to be affected. So It has come to our attention, via the cleaning contractors, that many mugs and perhaps other items of smallwares are being found throughout the facility. Under the terms of the contract which exists between I.C.L. Food Services Ltd. and the College, all smallwares are provided by I.C.L. and remain their Property. These items, at no time, should be removed from the Cafeteria area. Paper and/or styrofoam cups are provided should it be necessary to transport coffee or an- other beverage to other areas of the facil- ity. Please use these disposable contain- ers. Our failure to voluntarily curb the temp- tation to take items fram the cafeteria will result in the supply of styrofoam and paper units only. LANDSCAPING The landscaping work which has recently been completed, at some expense to the project, is very sensitive in the initial months. None of the plants have had the Opportunity to benefit from a growing season in their new location and as such are easily disturbed. Newly sodded lawns are susceptible to damage until they also have had the opportunity to grow and es- tablish a proper root system. Fill has been used in a number of areas and, of course, top soil and bark mulch have been applied to specified thicknesses every- where. The landscape contractor has been asked to erect temporary fencing around all grass areas and to install "please keep off" signs in critical planted locations. This will be done shortly. In the interests of allowing plant develop- ment to take place, to the benefit of all, please obey the intent of the signage and refrain from walking on lawns or through planted areas for as long as possible. Our current operating budgets will not permit us to reerect broken or dismantled barriers, nor will it permit us to replace plants which are damaged or removed. We ask for the cooperation of all members of the College community. EMPLOYEE LOUNGES In addition to the two cafeterias in the