Des Wilson ARCH ; : Faculty Reps: — eerie Shirley Patz Director: Hendrick Persad Staff: Brian Wiebe Administrator: Bill Day This Committee is to examine all forms of instruction other than lecture with the intent to relate these forms of instruction to the lecture method on an hourly equiva- lency basis. The Committee should be pre- pared to solicit and evaluate briefs, It will report monthly through Principal's Council, and submit the final report to the Personnel Committee of College Council, the Working Conditions Committee of the Faculty Association, and Principal's Council not later than January 31, 1977. Gordon Gilgan and George Wootton are ex officio members of all three Committees. Briefs may be sent to any member of these committees. \ Na, \\ wtiall Ae | ie Ze | ap oes | : See ee ee eee 2a TNS Le. SSsss sl ii i 4 Sit Le RRR TEP REA oes a, ; jie ene My (Ge Vat nip niig (sone argos , : Tp het sos Tenniel revised: “No room, no room,” cried the mad hatter. 20th arene Time LO Ne maeey, omens LOST Delta area - grey briefcase with text books & class out- lines - - Please phone: Office - S$21-1921, lo. 574 home = 594-2033, escseti= Se eseses REN Se) ee ee Betty Emery Cr) ES DOUGLAS ee 6 3 the outside... °. (\ - NOTICE - to all lovers!! ( of ©... Bernard Shaw, that is) New Westminster Vagabond Playhouse presents a production of Pygmalion directed by Dorothy Jones? Opens Wednesday, October 20 in the Vagabond Playhouse in Queens Park - 8:00 pm. Runs Oct 20 - 23 and Oct. 27 = 30 th. Ticket Reservations - phone 521-9242 "THE GRANDEUR OF BUDDHA" A 4-week tour under the guidance of Milton Hicks will leave on 16 December for Bangkok , Burma, Katmandu, Northern India, Ceylon, Singapore and Osaka. Several lectures will be given before departure. Info: Ken Woodward, Continuing Education, U.B.C. 228-2181 or Milton Hicks 224-5233 PERE 2 New Music Concepts from the Simon Fraser Sonic Research Studio - Sunday Oct 17, 9 pm. at the Western Front. Music by composer-performer David Behrman - Monday Oct 18, 9 pm. Members $1 - non $2 at-the Western Front, Presented with the assistance of the Canadian Council. @