Pade 2 concerns which are the preper responsibility of the Education Department, or of individual colleges or technical and vocational institutions. They were careful to explain that the written policy sted ot Decenber 18, 1973, was merely an attempt to put into writing what ha! pver the years been actual practice. Nowever, it was the very wordine of the document which prompted the C.F.T. to seek more clarification of the goverrnnient's intent. The Nduecation finister invited C.F.F. officials and other inter- ested parties to comment on and sugsest a rewordins and revision of the he aiven serious concideration. Frnest T. Livescy, C.F.F. President, said after the meeting: "The atnosphere vas cordial, but also frank and constructive in nature. Satis-— factory verlial aeccerances were civer that thoare will liana gn roper an- tary C Yau Elvar a | IArocer ee Croactment by the Department of Labour (or other Departments) on the role of the Department of Mducation. It seems now that there will be Re dif- ficulty in the C.F.F. and other faculty organizations wrking cooperatively with both Departments to achieve better ianpower planning and training in the futuro. ‘irs, Daildy was mest inelpful in establishing a fertile climate for an exchanse of views." Other C.F.7. spokesmen included Jin Slater Cialaspina College-‘‘anaino), and Sill Schermbruc’:er (Capilano College-North Shore). Signed by: : Ernest [. Livesey, President of the Collese Facultics' Fédération cf 5.¢4 x Sub reed 6 Dev Shevell CFF Ditectr 21