EDUCATIONAL LEAVE KKKERKKKKKK KEEKK The Educational Leave Sub-committe is pleased to announce that Alan McMillan of the Department of Social Sciences has been granted educational leave for the Spring Semester of 1974. Al plans to travel to the American Southwest to visit some of the major Pueblo ruins and to Mexico City to visit the Museum of Anthropology and outlying ruins such as the famous City of Teotihuacan. Al will also continue his study of the Nootka people on the west coast of Vancouver Island and possibly prepare a study for publication. Al is the fifth faculty member to receive educational leave, that is, a period of paid leave enabling a faculty member to be freed from regular responsibilities so that he may pursue educational or personal development which is recognized as beneficial to the College community. Anyone interested in applving for educational leave for Fall semester, 1974, should apply by February 1, 1974. Applications and a policy statement are available from Dr. Porter's Office. 16