Carols and Their Shady
The origin of Christmas car-
ols with a performance by
Gerald van Wyck and the
Pacific Spirit Quartet
Dec. 11, 10:30am, Silk Purse
Arts Centre, West Van
_~ lickets $10/8, for more
information call 604.925.7292
A Christmas Gift
The Richmond Chorus pres-
ents its traditional concert of
Christmas music and readings
Dec. 13, 8pm and Dec. 14,
3pm, Gilmore Park United
Tickets $15/12/6, for more
information call 604.276.2747
The Snow Queen
Langley Players present a
Christmas family show based
on the Hans Christian
Anderson story
To Dec. 14, Shadbolt Centre
for the Arts
For more information call
Christmas at the Act
The Maple Ridge Choral
Society presents an afternoon
Dec. 14, 2:30pm, Maple
Ridge Arts Centre and
Tickets $12/10, for more
information call 604.465.8038
Christmas Concert
Maillardville’s francophone
choir, Les Echos du
Pacifique, celebrates its 30th
anniversary with a Christmas
Dec. 14, 7pm, Notre-Dame-
de-Lourdes Church,
Tickets $5, for more informa-
tion call 604.218.8248
Alleuluia! A Gallery
Singers Christmas
The Gallery Singers present a
range of 15th-century
Spanish Christmas music,
modern carols, and new
arrangements of familiar
Dec. 14, 3pm, Holy Trinity
Anglican Church
Tickets $15/10, for more
information call 604.588.6934
Share the Light!
Ronald McDonald House
presents a ceremonial tree
lighting with members of the
Vancouver Chamber Choir.
Proceeds from the sale of
lights ($12 each) will benefit
families with children fighting
cancer or other life-threaten-
ing illness
Dec. 16, 6pm, Ronald
McDonald House
For more information visit
The Christmas Spirit
Vagabond Players presents
Elwoodettes Marionettes in a
puppet musical
Dec. 17-19, 22-23 at 7pm,
Dec. 20-21, 26-31 at 2pm,
Bernie Legge Theatre, New
Tickets $9/6, for more infor-
mation call 604.521.0412
Frosty the Snowman
Theatrix Youtheatre Society
presents a Christmas tale fea-
turing Frosty, Charlie Brown,
and Santa
Dec. 17—20, 7pm, Dec.
20-21, 1pm, Terry Fox
Theatre, Port Coquitlam
Tickets $10/5, for more
information call 604.939.6992
Your Unwanted Tattoo Can
Help the Needy this
Tattoo removal service with
half of all proceeds going to
the Union Gospel Mission
Until Dec. 20, Reviva Medical
Laser Clinic, Richmond
For more information call
Hip Hop 4 Hunger
Christmas banquet with live
entertainment and DJs.
Please bring any donation or
nonperishable food items
Dec. 20, 3-10pm (Dinner),
11pm (Dance), Don Bosco
Youth Centre, Surrey
Free admission, for more
information call 604.585.0722
Sing Along Messiah
Bruce Pullan directs the
choir, audience, and
Vancouver Symphony in a
performance of Handel’s
Dec. 21, 2:30pm, Orpheum
Tickets $25 (plus service
charges and fees) at
Ticketmaster, 604.280.3311
If We All Sing One Song
The Vancouver Children’s
Choir presents a UNICEF
winter solstice event
Dec. 22, 8pm, Chan Centre
for the Performing Arts
Admission $20 (plus service
charges and fees) at
Ticketmaster, 604.280.3311
For more information call
December 10, 2003
Nature Comes to Light
Christmas fantasy light show
with 150,000 lights
To Dec. 30 (closed Dec.
24-25), 5:30—9:30pm,
Richmond Nature Park
Minimum donation $2, for
more information call
Festival of Lights
Seasonal light display and fes-
tivities including a charity
candle shrine, Santa’s work-
shop, and choral music from
local choirs
To Dec. 31 (closed Dec. 25),
5—9pm, VanDusen Botanical
Admission $3.25—6.50, for
more information visit
It’s Snowing on Saltspring
The Arts Club Theatre pres-
ents Nicola Cavendish’s holi-
day classic, starring Patti
Allan, Jennifer Clement, Bob
Frazer, Stephen E. Miller,
and Suzi Payne
To Dec. 31, Arts Club
For more information call
Heritage Christmas 2003
Experience a traditional
Burnaby Christmas with fes-
tive lights and traditional
ornaments, vaudeville come-
dy, crafts, stories, baking,
music, and exhibits
To Jan. 3, Burnaby Village
Museum & Carousel
For more information call
6040.293.6500 or visit <>
Bright Nights in Stanley
The Vancouver park board
and the BC Professional Fire
Fighters’ Burn Fund present
its annual train ride
To Jan. 3 (closed Dec. 25),
3-10pm, Stanley Park
Tickets at Ticketmaster,
604.280.4444, for more infor-
mation visit
The Lion, the Witch and
the Wardrobe
Pacific Theatre presents a
20h anniversary production
of C.S. Lewis’s children’s
classic about a magical world
at the back of a wardrobe
To Jan. 4, Norman
Rothestein Theatre
For more information call
Clothing Drive
The Canadian Coast Guard
presents its annual clothing
drive. Clothes and blankets
needed. Items may be
dropped off in the red bin at
the front gate or given to
To Jan. 15, open 24 hours a
day, Kitsilano Coast Guard
For more information call
Amanda Aikman
Culture Editor
(This Week In History...
December 11, 1976:
KISS guitarist Ace Frehley is
nearly electrocuted during a con-
cert in Florida when he touches a
short-circuited light. He is car-
ried from the stage but returns
ten minutes later to finish the
show. I’ve said it before and I’ll
say it again—screw firefighters,
rock stars are the real heroes.
Sales Page 10 «
December 13, 1985:
Phil Collins makes his US televi-
sion acting debut, playing a drug
dealer on Miami Vice. 1 imagine
it must have been a lucrative field
for him, I mean who wouldn’t
need to get high with that creepy
pseudio”ing around in a pastel
sports jacket.
man “Pseu-pseu-
December 14, 1972:
Alexander’s department store in
New York stays open especially
late so Alice Cooper, wearing sil-
ver pants and a “Paul Lives” but-
ton, can do his Christmas shop-
ping. Alice Cooper already has
silver pants and a “Paul Lives”
button? Well, it’s a good thing I
kept the receipt, I swear, he gets
harder and harder to shop for
every year.