a HELP.....LOST BROCHURES The Visual Language Inter- preter Training Program brochures are lost! 2 large boxes containing approximate- ly 2,500 brochures are missing. If anyone knows of their whereabouts, please con- tact Public Information. BUILDING AIR CIRCULATION - CLASSROOMS In order to obtain the most ef- fective use of the air circulation system in CLASSROOMS we would like to remind faculty members of the following con- ditions. 1. The air circulation system was designed to function best "WITH CLASSROOM DOORS CLOSED". Open doors are counter productive to the sys- tem. 2. The switch with decal "switch on for air conditioning" must be on to activate the air circulation system. When film and overhead projectors are being used, it would be desirable to leave on the special bank of lights. KEYING POLICY Individuals signing out keys must present their College identification prior to receiving their key. Faculty/staff if you leave the College or change office, you MUST SIGN KEYS BACK TO PHYSICAL PLANT FOR RE-AS- SIGNMENT. Requests for addilional keys must come by memo to Physi- cal Plant 4800 alter it has been approved by your DIRECTOR OR CHAIRPERSON. ISSUING KEYS Keys will be issued: Monday - Wednesday - Friday 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Room 4800 Terry Leonard FRIEND AND FORMER COLLEAGUE Our friend and former col- league Marilyn (Smith) Pattison has successfully defended her doctoral dissertation at the On- tario Institute for Studies in Education and will be receiving her Ph.D. from the University of Toronto in June. She is presently working for the Ontario Council of Univer- sity Presidents. Should anyone wish to con- tact Marilyn, I have both her address and telephone num- ber. Gerry DeilaMattia, Dean, Educa- tional and Student Services GOLFGOLFGOLFGOLFGOLFGOLFGO Gert Van Niekerk took his golf team to the Western Washington Invitational last weekend and was particularly pleased with the results. Golf is becoming a much higher profile sport in the Conference, so expect to see a lot more golf trophies showing up as Gert spends this summer getting our golf team ready for the fall. Next tournament: Bellevue Community College, May 18- 19/88 Results of April 28-29 tour- nament follow: Western Washington Univer- sity Invitational at Sudden Valley Golf & Country Club, April 28-29 A 1 Division 1. Tacoma Com. Col. 643 2. Douglas College 658 3. Green River Com. Col. 660 4. Lower Columbia Col 672 5. Malaspina College 684 B. Universities 1. Western Washington 637 2. Central Washington 651 3. Western Washington "B" 659 4, Simon Fraser (SFU) 661 5. Old Puget Sound 735 Individual 1. Simon Hood - Lower Colum- bia College 154 2. Bob McCusker - Douglas College 155 Overall 1. Western Washington Univ. 2. Tacoma Community College 3. Central Washington Univ. 4. Douglas College 5. Western Washington "B" 6. Green River Com. Col. 7. Simon Fraser University 8. Lower Columbia College 9. Malaspina College 10. Old Puget Sound Univ. 5] ] T . Bob McCusker . Jamie Ivers . Derrin Geisheimer . Adam White . Steve Tindle . Craig Cruickshank Qa ba®Nr | I