an DOUGLAS The ARCHIVES Mad Hatter A Douglas College Newslette ) Monday,. March 19, 1979 ADDRESSING OF INTERCAMPUS MATL When addressing intercampus mail please note the following abbrevia- tions: Surrey Campus Newton Centre - N and New Westminster Campus - NW FACULTY POSITION: DEPARTMENT OF ADULT EDUCATION, UBC The Department of Adult Education, Faculty of Education, U.B.C. is looking for a faculty member at the assistant professor rank. The department offers M.Ed., M.A. and Ed.D. degrees and a diploma program in adult education and currently has approximately 100 students in these programs and eight full-time faculty. Applicants for the position, effective July 1 or September 1, 1979, should have a doctorate in adult education, competence in quantitative methods of inquiry, a satisfactory publication record and an interest in pursuing a clear line of research. Experience in university teach- ing is desireable but not required. Duties will include: teaching courses in adult education, counselling student research, pursuing one's own line of research and rendering community service to the field. Salary will be competitive. Written applications accompanied by curriculum vitae and names and addresses of three referees should be sent to: Chairman, Search Committee, Adult Education Department, University of British Columbia, 5760 Toronto Road, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6T 1L2, Tel. Gordon Selman (604) 228-2380. Applications will be accepted until April 1, 1979, or until the position is filled. = more = \ /