PRINTING DEPARTMENT BULLETIN K\! FACULTY AND STAFF PLEASE NOTE: > printing department is now overloaded with work which is due for use in the first week of classes. We will do everything possible to finish work on the date it is due. If you don't receive your work by the date it is requested PLEASE phone Falycia at local 227 Surrey and your message will be passed on to the printshop people. Please DO NOT phone the press operators - since every minute they spend on the phone means 100 copies are not printed. Your cooperation will be appreciated by all of us. ----Printshop staff P.S. Happy New Beers: The strange lawless language —English The following heartfelt poem was writ- ten by a young student at Starehe Boys’ School in Nairobi, Kenya. He, like all his fellow students, had tolearn English in order to progress in his schooling: “We'll start with a box — the plural is boxes, But the plural of ox should never be oxes. One fowl is a goose and the plural is geese, But the plural of mouse should never - be meese. On the contrary, the plural of mouse is mice, But never assume that for house the plural is hice. 4 As the plural for man is always men, Why shouldn't the plural of pan be J pen? J The plural for button is, of course, buttons, Then shouldn't the plural of mutton be muttons ? The masculine pronouns are he, his and him, But imagine the feminine — she, shis and shir! So English, | fancy, you all will agree, Is the strangest language you ever did see.” DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY ARCHIVES B.C. TEACHERS CREDIT UNION OPENS IN SURREY The B.C. Teachers Credit Union re- cently opened a new Branch at the corner of 128th Street and 96th Avenue in Surrey. They wish to remind all teachers, school board, or college employees (active and retired) that they are eligible for membership. Among the many valuable services offered are: 1. Savings Accounts - with interest payable on the minimum daily ) balance and no minimum balance required, 2. Chequing Accounts - with interest payable on credit balances over $100. and a service charge of only 10¢ per cheque. 3. Personal Loans - at competitive rates with a 10 month repayment schedule available for those on 10 month salaries. 4. Mortgages - at competitive rates and with no penalty for early repayment. 5. Term deposits - 3 months, 6 month and one, three and five year terms available. 6. R.R.S.P.'s and R.H.0.S.P.'s 7. Line of Credit 8. Insurance - all lines of Life and General Insurance from your own member-owned agency. @ Call in at the Branch or call Manager ROSEMARY COOK at 581-9828 for information.