INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / OCTOBER 10, 1989 Gwen Morrison is a single mother of three children who began working with a tutor in the I CARE program about two years ago. She is now taking DVST 200 in Maple Ridge. The program helps people develop their reading and writ- ing skills. SCHOOL DAYS WHEN ! WAS YOUNG I remember school days when I was young And school was in no way fun The halls of horror And all the teachers misleading rules Why do you even bother to come to school You poor little misguided fool. You can’t even remember the simplest of rules The teachers who didn’t seem to care I felt right there that schooling was totally unfair But now that | have grown Have children of my own I want to go back to school Do | dare! Are teachers still unfair? Or with any luck will they listen with open ears To wash away all the childhood fears With open eyes and to my surprise Guess what? lam here I am learning all those rules Jam not that misguided fool The teachers here listen with open ears These teachers really care And to my surprise we even learn and have some lam glad I came back to school Douglas College with its open rules Surprise yourself come back to school. Disabled Student Services The Disabled Student Services Discipline has been expanding and changing. Listed below are the names of the people who provide on-going support and their primary duties. Besides these regular people, we also have hired Barb McLean to coordinate our interpreting services. We have five interpreters providing services to eight students with hearing impair- ments. For further information or assistance, contact 527-5115 or 5116. Wendy Keenlyside — Transition Planner Primary contact for prospective students with disabilities who require information about the College a) provides information on special programs and services b) provides assistance to students who need help in making the transition to college c) makes referrals to college services (i.e. Group Advising Sessions, DSS Coordinator) Gladys Loewen — Coordinator Coordinates services to students with disabilities a) performs intake interview to students entering or enrolled in the college to determine eligibility for special services b) refers eligible students to DSS instructors for specific services c) makes recommendations and referrals to other services Maria laquinta & Instructor — Instructors/Clinician Offers services to assist students in meeting their course requirements a) provides instructional support b) liaise with faculty regarding adaptations c) performs psycho-educational assessments Judy Day — Assistant Provides clerical support to DSS discipline Student Judy (prospective) (Registered) Wendy Gladys (eligible) Marla - Instructor |