An Experience In Leadership Training The Institute is rooted in a simple faith. Personal growth and educa- tional excellence go hand in hand; the more that Canadian Community College educators develop their ; leadership skills, the more effective they will be in improving the quality of education in their own colleges. Participants at the Summer Workshop learn: — to quickly familiarize themselves with a great variety of material resources. — to identify the skills of other educators and to utilize these skills as an important educational resource. -~ to develop structures and activi- ties that will fulfill both their own needs and those of a highly diverse group of educators, each of whom has his own set of educational problems. Thus, the Institute is designed to aid the personal development of each participant and to give him/her an oppurtunity to function as a leader in a dynamic learning environment. An | Experience | in | Cultural Exchange Each year, the site of the National : | Professional Development Workshop alternates between the francophone | and anglophone cultural milieux. Skilled professional translators are available to facilitate the rich cultural exchange which takes place among Participants, and bilingualism and biculturalsim are pervasive influences, touching every aspect of life at the Institute. The many cultural activities such as poetry readings, musical evenings, etc. provide both anglo- phones and francophones with an opportunity for a greater under standing of each other's cultures, and this increased awareness and appreciation of the Canadian reality is often felt by participants to be among their most valuable learnings at the Institute. A National Network of Educational Problem Solvers The Institute provides a unique opportunity for college educators from all parts of Canada to come together in an atmosphere designed to facilitate the interchange of educational problem solving skills. Many of the friendships and profes- sional relationships that develop during the Institute become per- manent, and past participants have - Created a rich and ever-growing national network which enables them to utilize the educational skills of their counterparts in other parts of the country to help solve the pro- blems they confront in their own colleges. Thus, the learning process which is initiated at each year’s Professionai Development Workshop continues to be augmented in the months and years after the Workshop's formal close.