cnateihinieae a IRE IE TE I DOUGLAS COLLEGE INTER OFFICE MEMO To Robin Ryan DATE Mar. 11/74 FROM: John Patterson RE INTRAMURAL STREAKING PROGRAMME In light of the current interest in the sport of streaking, | would like to suggest that Douglas College establish an intramural streaking programme. As you well know, it has been difficult to get students involved in intramural sports to date but the fantastic popularity of streaking should ensure maximum participation. Streaking offers several advantages as an intramural sport: 1. It requires no equipment and no uniform (with the exception of running shoes and a ski hat). 2. It requires no special facilities - streaking can be done anywhere, anytime by anyone of any age. - There are few, if any, rules to learn. 3 4, Any number can participate. 5 It is a coeducational sport. 6 5. Individual events are of short duration, so that other student activities (such