NEws. Know the scoop or have a lead? Contact the editor at news Douglas College solidifies community engagement Report reveals how recent forums can bolster ties to communities Aidan Mouellic Staff Writer ouglas College doesn’t want to merely be a place where students come and go; the college wants to be an integral part of the communities which surround its campuses. To accomplish this, Douglas College hosted two community engagement forums on September 23 and 24 at the David Lam and New Westminster campuses respectively. The college sent out invitations to government, corporate, and non-profit parties, as well as to involved citizens. The goal for the forums was to explore existing community connections, and to find out what the community expects from Douglas College. College officials also wanted to find new ways to connect with the community, enhance the experience of students, and boost local socio-economic and environmental conditions in adjacent communities. The three main themes that emerged from the forums were connecting community members, collaborating with others, and communicating effectively. Participants wanted to be able to connect with others around them. This is especially important to local groups that could use the expertise of the students and staff in particular programs. If a local group has a need for a specialized skill, then that group would like to be able to connect with the students and staff who can provide it, and the local organizations can then give back with work opportunities— it’s a mutually beneficial scenario. Collaboration was another central theme to the forums. Many community collaborations are already under way and community leaders hope that this will continue in an inclusive manner. Cross-cultural # Photo courtesy of Joel McCarthy collaboration with individuals and organizations is important in the Douglas College community, and the community engagement forums emphasized this point. Lastly, communicating with all members of the region is crucial to having effective connections and collaborations. There was a heightened interest in how new technologies, plans such as enhanced websites and comprehensive tools, could be used to assist in fostering relationships. Forum participants, especially local non-profit organizations, expressed great interest in being able to use the assistance of keen students and staff who would be interested in helping with their cause. These groups said that help with grant writing, research, social media initiatives, marketing, and event planning would be of great help. To do so, though, these groups would need to be able to easily access the contact information for these individuals—something the current college website makes challenging. Having a more user-friendly website with greater ease of use would make it easier for interested parties to engage with students and staff at Douglas College. Douglas College is not aiming to merely be a learning institution using Coquitlam and New Westminster for its land, but have grand plans to become an integral part of these communities. In Douglas College’s 2010 - 2015 Strategic Plan, social responsibility, experiential learning, and engagement opportunities are key pillars. Having hosted these recent community engagement forums, it’s clear that the college is making progress. Get to know your Douglas Students Union Representatives Devlin Pereira manages the money Julia Siedlanowska Staff Writer nan interview with the Other Press, Douglas Students’ Union (DSU) treasurer Devlin Pereira explains how managing a million-dollar budget has prepared him for the future. Could you explain for us your role as treasurer at the Douglas Students Union? What duties does this include? My role as the treasurer at the Douglas Students’ Union is administering the budget for the union. I am responsible to work alongside our accountant to make sure the union is running financially secure and 4 Phato courtesy of Devlin Pereira responsible. I also keep track of the daily expenses of the union and administer the hours of the representative committee. Along with this, as with every rep, I have a role of planning, organizing, and implementing different events and campaigns for the student body. When did you start being interested in being involved at the DSU? I first began being interested in being involved at the DSU almost two years ago when I was approached by a few members of the then-current Student Board to run in the upcoming election. At the time I honestly did not know too much about the organization other than the fact that they hosted a few events, campaigns, and sponsored our athletic teams; but fortunately I was quickly filled in on the full scope of the organization and next thing I knew I was fully engrossed in it. How has working with the DSU affected your life? Have you found it helpful in other aspects of your daily life? Working with the DSU has given me numerous opportunities and chances to experience different situations to learn from. From working with unionized staff, managing a million-dollar budget, or organizing a large scale event, the DSU has definitely helped me develop as a person and prepared me for the future. If you could change one thing at Douglas College, what would it be? If I could change one thing at Douglas College, it would have to be to increase student engagement. Whether it is through involvement with administration or just with their peers, I would love to see students becoming more engaged with their post- secondary experience here. College is an opportunity to learn, network, and grow in all aspects of life, and I would love to see more of just that. What advice do you have to Douglas students? My advice for Douglas students would be to get involved on campus. There are so many opportunities to learn and grow that are offered at the college, so really take advantage of as many of these as possible! What advice would you give someone wanting to get involved with the DSU? My advice would be to definitely do it! Whether it is through joining a club, putting on an event, volunteering, or working, the Douglas Students’ Union offers some amazing life experiences and opportunities for any student.