findrew Marchand OP Contributor When you listen to Bitch and Animal, you might feel that their music is beyond your average definition. Asked how they describe it, Bitch responded, “I would call it tribal-titty-noedown- funk-poetry with a political wedge and a baseline edge.’ The irony of Bitch and Animal is that when you watch them on stage, you become keenly aware of their “political wedge” while it’s obvious that all they're doing is being who they are. You get the feeling that their politics stem from the desire to be wholly free of society’s inhibitions—inhibitions concerning language, apparel, sexuality and gender. “Pretty much anything anyone does is political,” Bitch said, “like the clothes they wear and what they talk about. But a lot of what we do is about reclaiming words. Women for years and years have been called a bitch, and it’s usually been used to humiliate them for speaking their minds. And that’s something we're really into: —endowing women and men with power to be who they are and not be ashamed of it. | feel like young girls are constantly being stifled and being told that they’re too big. With [our song] ‘The Pussy Manifesto’, it’s all about using pussy as a compliment instead of © "ither press. >>> CULTURE Bitch and Animal: Terms of Endearment Bitch and Animal in action using it to mean something weak. And that’s in a nutshell what our culture does to people’s sexual- ity and their own forms of expression. It seems like it gets stifled most of the time.” “And for me,” added Animal, “it’s about creating a space where people feel they can express them- selves sexually, through their gender or whatever. [Take our song] ‘Best Cock on the Block’. You see Will Smith driving in his car singing about his dick. There are always guys with their booty dancers, but there’s never any girls singing about that. [Our song] is kind of a spoof on that,’ she smiled and added, “but it’s also real because | have a dick too.” ; The Interview: The Pussy Manifesto, what’s that about? Bitch: It’s a song. It’s a manifesto, and there’s eight points to it. When we perform it, we go through every eight. ...Basically we say, ‘Manifest this mother fucker number one, and then we go through it: two, number three, number four. And we use the word ‘pussy’ as a compliment, like ‘Pussy hat you got on’ Animal: And we also say ‘eggs’ instead of ‘balls’ for courage. We say, ‘It took total eggs to do that; or whatever. Bitch: And ‘mother fucker is another thing you hear being used all around the world as an insult. But why is that an insult. | mean, besides fags, who doesn’t like to fuck women? (laughs) Where did your names come from? Animal: It was kind of like a Newton’s apple kind of thing. It just hit me over the head. I’ve been asked this question before so I’ve had time to think about it. For me the archetypes of bitch and animal show, like we said before, that women are not looked up upon. So it takes the power out of the insult. That’s the traditional way that oppressed people have reclaimed words. ‘We’re standing up and saying, We're a bitch and an animal and that’s who we are. Let your bitch and your animal come out. It wasn’t planned. Bitch and Animal just hit me. Except that our parents named us that when we were born (laughs). We just decided to keep it. Bitch: There’s a very limited source of where we get our information, like from the television and all of that. | don’t think that everybody wants people to be weak. | think that there are a few people who make a lot of impression on the world through the form of TV. When people see our show, | think they feel inspired by it because there’s not a sense of inhibition about who we are and that inspires that in other people. Any time someone gives me a compliment | say, ‘It takes one to know one. It’s not just about us; it’s about everyone. It’s what's in the air. Animal: | do have a political campaign that would be good to print. It’s coming up with new words for sexual orientation. Whether you’re a man or a women, whatever your gender is, if you sleep with only women you’re a shemosexual, if you sleep with only men you’re a hemosexual, and if you sleep with both you’re mosexual. That’s my sexual revolution that we're trying to spread. You guys are from New York. What role does New York play in your music? Bitch: Animal’s from there, and I’m a mut, I’m sort of from all over. But we moved there together after we started Bitch and Animal. We came back to our turf. We wrote a lot songs there. New York inspires me; it’s why | live there. | just love it there. Animal: For me it’s simple. I’m from there, and there’s an energy there that | relate to. So [New York] is definitely a part of [our music]. Bitch: | just wanted to say something else about our politics. We were hanging out with a couple little girls a couple of weeks ago. | mentioned that women get paid something like 70 per cent of continued on page 15