Dec. 6, 1977 QQ eS Recess iS Over Eggnog and Navy rum is a helluva drink. We sit here, snowed in, on a Monday night and think profound thoughts as to what a student newspaper should try to accomplish. Sitting here, we also wonder whether the students really give a damn what, or whether, we publish or not. We’ve received comments, criticism and praise from the faculty and administration, while student response has been minimal. The Other Press is not only a student newspaper, but rather it’s a students’ newspaper. Nearly all the input (in the form of articles, letters, opinions) have come from the faculty and administration. Student input has been limited to a few concerned, mature and intelligent people. The students at the college outnumber the rest of the college community almost 15 to one and they comprise the majority of our readership. Yet they are the least vocal when it comes to expressing their opinions. We’ve toyed with the idea of coming down hard on the students, but it seems to us that that attitude would be more destructive than constructive. Still, the students here seem to be on the bottom side of maturity, with a mentality that is still idling in the high school gear. Remember, this is a college. It is not a high school, and shouldn’t be treated as one. Most students seem to regard this college as a stopping or resting place where one can decide what to do in life before going on to university and/or a career. Fine, there’s nothing wrong with that, but why not get involved in things while you’re here? All those exams and essays and finals would goa helluva | lot easier if you participated in a few things around the college. People complain that we don’t do enough stories on students and the things they are involved in. Well, there just aren’t that many stories to tell. Traditional cliche Well, we’ve come to the end of another semester. Almost, anyways. Soon all those finals and essays will be behind us and we can look forward with eager anticipation to next semester’s finals and essays. Well, at least certain masochists and study-aholics will. For the rest of us, it’s a month holiday with holiday spirit. Lots of spirits, mostly of the liquid variety, we imagine. Everybody here at the Other Press would like to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and - you guessed it - a staff box Managing Editors: Nancy McRitchie and Gu onsen: News [Wire] Editor: Brian Jones, Copy Editor: Gord Isfeld, Photo Editor: Neil Dowie, Typeseiter: Colleen Glynn. Reporters: Keith Baldrey, Marianne McKave, Jeannette van Eldik, Myrtle Winchester and Lynn Jarvis. Bill Cartier ——= Member of Canadian University Press, and subscriber of - Pacific News Service. The Other Press. is a democratically run student newspaper. Published under the auspices of the Douglas College Student Society every Monday. The news office is | located at the rear of the cafeteria on the New Westminster | campus. : The Other Press, Box 2503, Douglas: College, New Westminster, British Columbia, 522-7917, between 9 a.m. on 5 p.m. weekdays. Advertising 522-6038. Happy New Year. (There, we said it. Unoriginal and very cliche, we know, but we still mean it.) [photo file [perspective These people are the ones you see straggling out of the Douglas College cafeteria at 7 a.m. every Tuesday morn- ing escaping from a news- room that is so small that when someone spills a drink three people get drunk. Up there in the middle of the top row is Guy Tannen, who defeated * Nancy McRitchie two out of three falls in the Youth- stream T-shirt Open. Nancy is the one without a t-shirt. (but with the boots) in the front row. (look really close.) She likes horses. Rasputin, otherwise known as Dr. Brian Jones, is standing in the right-hand top row. Jones is from Mon- treal and we wish he would go back. The remaining person in the top row (upper left) is our own mascot, Keith Baldrey, who wrote this space-filler and won’t say anything bad about himself (but the staff would). Our so-called copy editor, Gord Isfeld, known as the Scandinavian Casanova ot the O.P. is sitting in the middle row next to the infamous Myrtle Winches- ter, an off-the-track ex-con who’s trying to make it on the outside by working for the O.P. Then comes our own Mata \ Hari - Jeannette van Eldik sal Ee (left of Myrtle). Jeannette is the O.P.’s only natural blonde (or so she claims.) Right (your right, that is) to Isfeld is our former ma- naging editor, Bitchin’ Bill Cartier, a direct descendent of Jacques. Cartier was ba- nished to Iceland in October but has since returned be- cause of the heat. Sitting next to Nancy in the front row is that under- rated, overpaid Colleen Glynn. Her little monster-son, Paul (who is not in the photo), can be seen sabotaging- the New West- minster food machines every Monday night. Al Capp, who is now retired, contributes to our paper once in a blue moon and can be seen in the middle row.(with glasses). ' Finally, Neil Dowie is sitting right in the front and he can be blamed for this picture. © Recently the Other Press received two letters signed ‘“‘enraged student’’; after checking with the register we found no students going by this name. Consequently, we did not publish the letters. Last week we received a phone call from ‘‘enraged student’’ accusing us of not typesetter | Y printing his previous letter because we had ‘‘other rea- sons’’, i.e. protecting Dave Johnston and the student council. To accomodate the person/people involved in this affair we have added a section to our paper that makes clear the require- ments for submitting a letter | or an opinion piece. (see. Opposite page). In other news the faculty and the college have settled their differences; or have they? Although a contract settlement has been reached, several clauses in ithe contract may present |potential difficulties - at least ‘some of the faculty think so. The faculty also borrowed an idea from the sports world; a signing bonus. All faculty members get a $175 bonus for signing their new contract. What follows next? Bubblegum cards? Will there be an_ intra-college draft? A free agent pool? Will colleges get compensa- tion from other colleges who sign away their best teaching ’ talent? If any faculty mem- ber needs an agent, apply at the Other Press. Remember, only 10 per cent and you get someone who will negotiate a no-cut, no-trade six-figure | lifetime contract.