MAD HATTER JAPAN FOUNDATION GRANT ‘Le Japan Foundation will provide a $2000 grant to the Douglas College Biology Department for the breeding of Japanese Bonsai Moles. This is the first time that the specially developed moles will be bred in North America. The one year grant will be substantially expanded in the second year if the breeding conditions put in place by the department prove successful. The breeding stock will be shipped in special containers from Osaka University on Japan Airlines and are ex- pected at the college at the end of October. Bonsai moles were first created at Osaka Univer- sity in 1986 by a development team lead by Dr. Akira Furumoto. The result of advances in embryo cloning and other advanced bio-technological developments the tiny 3 cm. moles are used by Bon- sai plant lovers to "till" the soil in Bonsai pots. For the uninitiated Bonsai is the name for the sys- tematic miniaturization of plants and is widely prac- ticed in Japan. The moles have been a big hit with the public in Japan. "This is a first for Douglas Col- lege" said Dr. Millis, "We see huge growth pos- sibilities for Bonsai Moles. "The Moles sell for over $400 per breeding pair in Japan and the demand is “hectic”. Len Millis FRIENDS OF SILVIA MCFADYEN-JONES... Silvia McFadyen-Jones is on long-term dis- ability leave this semester. She is under treat- ment for a serious blood disorder. She would appreciate friends dropping her a line. #217 - 1740 Southmere Crescent White Rock, B.C. V4A 6E4 ANNOUNCING... On September 6, Wendy Watt, formerly of the Stu- dent Services Department, was promoted into the Benefits Clerks position in the Personnel Depart- ment. In Wendy’s new position she will be respon- sible for the employee Health and Welfare benefits. This includes orienting new employees to the benefits as well as assisting in processing related claims. Wendy’s new local (once she has a phone) will be 5440. CAREER PROFILES FOR WOMEN The Academic Advisors and the Women’s Centre Co-ordinator in Student Services are offering three Career Profiles for Women during the Fall ‘88 Semester. If you know of any women who would benefit by attending, please refer them to the Stu- dent Services Receptionist, Room 2700 to preregister. A description and a schedule for the Career Profiles is given below. Career Profiles provide an opportunity for women to learn about specific occupations. Every session will feature a guest speaker who has established her- self in her occupation. Each speaker will discuss the nature of her work, the opportunities she sees in her own or related fields and how she established her- self. Thursday, September 29 - Law Enforcement Thursday, October 20 - Visual Language Interpreter Thursday, November 17 - Stagecraft TIME: 1200 - 1300 hours LOCATION: The Women’s Centre - Room 2720 Pre-registration is required. Phone 520-5486 or local 2760 or register in person in Student Services, Room 2700. For further information call: Marian Exmann, Local 2722 Lorriane Cotter, Local 2723 Georgina Ferguson, Local 2762 Linda Steiler, Local 2761 Sharon Helgessen, Local 2754 Mad Hatter 2