« | da douglas college of Inter Office Memo Date: Member tee DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES a a See ee oe ee TOs Siig tas s¢o) ete Bor en pl ee From : Bill A — —— a ee a A. B. Re: __President's Report pe External Matters - Municipal: A draft agreement regarding Simcoe Park between the City of New Westminster and Douglas College has been prepared by the City solicitor, and is currently under review, because of legal implications at the provincial level, which could require changes to the Colleges and Institutes Act. Mr. Manning, City Administrator, will be providing us with more information shortly. A very successful meeting of local small business owners and managers occurred on October 26th. This endeavor was sponsored by Douglas College, the New Westminster Chamber of Commerce, the Province, and the Federal Business Development Bank. Over 150 people were in attendance. It was a pleasure to be able to offer them greetings on behalf of Douglas college. ine On November 2nd and 4th, I was able to make presentations to the New Westminster Chapter of the Kiwanis Club, and a Chapter of the PEO organization, which is an organization that provides scholarships to women at the post- secondary level of education. © External Matters - Education Development: On October 22nd, I had the privilege of offering welcoming remarks to a conference on the Western & Pacific Association of Criminal Justice Educators. This request had come to me because of Douglas College's pioneering work in the field of criminal justice education in B.C. On October 28 and November 5, meetings of the Lower Mainland Cooperative Planning Group (CEO's of the Colleges & Institutes in the Lower Mainland), met to continue their work on an analysis of regional programs. A complete list has now been drawn up of all formal educational offerings. In addition, we have agreed on the nature of information required for each program classification I have committed the College to providing this information by early January in order that our group analysis can be used in assisting us in our next review of college priorities. On November 15, I attended a meeting in Richmond on policy regarding the education of disabled adults. There continues to be strong interest at high levels in the Ministry of Education in supporting this type of activity, although the problems of funding an inherently expensive area of educational endeavor continue to pose a problem. mY On November 16, I attended a meeting of the Council of Principals. The Deputy Minister of Education was in attendance for two hours, and filled us in regarding prospects for next fiscal year. The previously-announced statement of intent by the Ministry continue to hold.