“a July 6, 1982 Js Mad Hatter A Douglas College-Newsiettet lavwroelottar DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES TO ALL COLLEGE EMPLOYEES FROM W. L. DAY I have made the following request of the Deans and Bursar, in regard to control of our budget, which must remain under very tight control for the remainder of the year,—fer OVERTIME: Overtime shall not be re- quested of any employee except in emergency Situations. Such overtime will be approved only by the appropr- iate Dean, the Bursar, Superintendent of Physical Plant and Site Services, or the President. Payroll forms show- ing overtime will be processed only when countersigned by a person with that level of authority. REPLACEMENTS: No position will be replaced automatically. The super- vising administrator will rejustify the position to their supervisor. Alternatives to full time 12 month positions should be examined. TRAVEL: All employees before re- questing or approving travel should assess the value associated with the expenditure. This includes not only long distance travel, but also travel within the College region. BANKED HOURS: Supervisors are re- quested to ensure that banked time is taken during off peak times, such as during the summer. I am requesting that any banked time payouts at the end of the fiscal year be reported to me by the payroll department, in order that I can make an inquiry. VACATIONS: Requests for vacation time should be carefully examined, with an eye to impact on College operations, given a "no replacement" policy. I suggest that employees should be en- couraged to take vacation during off peak times. AUXILIARY EMPLOYMENT: The hiring of auxiliaries will be restricted to areas or positions that must be staffed be- cause of operations. For example, the switchboard is an area that cannot be allowed to "go down". ‘The hiring of auxiliaries for vacation or other replacement should be absolutely minimal. REGISTRATION: Registration will be» shared College responsibility, to which ali departments of the College will contribute staff, faculty, and administrative assistance as requested. BOOKSTORE: During registration and peak periods, same departments of the College will be subject to requests to assist in the Bookstore for short