Mad Hatter Page 6 ALL PERSCNNEL BILL DAY, CHAIRMAN, PROJECT DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE GUIDELINES FOR USERS' GROUPS AND ADMINISTRATORS OF REFERENCE (Revised From October 23, 1980) We intend to continue using the user's group structure which has served us all so well, and, as in the past, to base our decisions on counsel From those with most knowledge - the users themselves. The following statements are based on this princiole. GENERAL TASKS FOR THE PERIOO JUNE 198! - JUNE 1982 To assist Committee To assist Committee interior designers, architects, and the Project Develooment with specifics of interior design, equipping, and furnishing. interior designers, architects, and the Project Development by developing and refining a ‘'shopping list'’ of items for the new campus: (a) standard classroom, office and public furniture (5) new equipment for new programs fc) mew equipment for enhanced and enlarged instructional fields (d) required equipment for existing instructional Fields. THE ''RULES OF THE GAME’! FOR THE NEXT PHASE OF PLANNING ae Staff work, evaluation and recommendation to the Project Develooment Committee for all areas of the building wil] continue to be the resoonsibility of the Furnishings and Equioment Sub-committee of the Project Development Commi tres; (2) The Furnishings and Equipment Sub-committee (F.E.$.) for 2ach design block shall consist of: ( i) the Administrator of Reference for that design block; ( ii) the Chairman of the Project Development Committee (3/11 Day); (iii) the Project Interior Designer (Sooz Klinkhamer) ; ( iv) the Project Assistant - Education (Barbara Jessey) ; ( vy) the Bursar - Finance and purchasing policy (Bill Morfey) ; ( vi) the Purchasing Manager (Terry Leonard). (3) Should a Users' Group be of che opinion chat the recommendations of che F.E.$..are inappropriate, regresentations may be mace to che Project Development Committee and, if necessary, to the Steering Committee of the project as the forum of appeal. (4) In due course, we will have information regarding our actual budget for equipping and furnishing the campus and at that time the F.E.5. will come up with an expenditure plan whien will be reviewed by the Steering Committee. (5) The Steering Committee will continue as the senior reference 2 and adjudicating body during the course of the project. Membershio of the Steering Committee is as follows: POLS ca, le